Programme SAP J_1BLB03 - Overview of Production and Inventory

This report creates the Brazilian legal book registro de controleda produção e do estoque. Using the goods documents from a givenperiod, it creates a list of goods movements that have resulted in achange of stock quantity.

Mandatory selection criteria

  • Selection criteria for movements

  • Company code
    Company issuing the registro.
    Branch code
    Branch issuing the registro.
    • Output control

    • First page
      Number of the first page of the current registro. This must belower than the number that you enter in the Pages per book fieldand greater than 1, since page 1 is reserved for the termos deabertura.
      Pages per book
      Maximum number of pages per book, usually 500.
      • Reporting period

      • Posting period
        The month that the registro is to cover.
        Fiscal year
        The year that the registro is to cover.
        In the report printout, the pages are numbered. They are not shown inthe screen output, however.
        Optional selection criteria
        • Selection criteria for materials

        • Material number
          The material numbers that the registro is to cover.

          For each of the chosen materials, the report generates a list of allthe movements that lead to a change in stock quantity. The movementsare sorted according to the date on which the (standard) materialdocuments were posted, and, at the material number/valuationarea/valuation type level, by material.
          A new page is started for each material.
          For each combination of material number, valuation area, and valuationtype, the report shows the following information:

          • Material number

          • Valuation area

          • Valuation type

          • NCM code and description

          • Unit of measure

          • Balance at start of chosen period (quantity and value)

          • Balance at end of chosen period (quantity and value)

          • This information is followed by a list of the individual goodsmovements.

1086301NF-e: Changes for legal reports Modelo 3 & 8