Purpose You use this program to calculate the replacementcost total value> based on goods movements in the previous period.You run it after you have closed the period> and runthe Inflation Index Adjustment> program. You mustrun this program in conjunction with the Inflation Index Adjustmentprogram to fulfill legal requirements for adjusting inventories forinflation effects in Colombia. For information on standard inflation accounting functions inMaterials Management> (MM), refer to the SAP Library for MM,under Evaluation> > Balance Sheet Valuation (MM-IM-VP)> >Replacement Cost Valuation (Inflation).>Prerequisites You need to make a number of settings before you can run the program,in Customizing for Materials Management> (MM), underValuation and Account Assignment > > Balance Sheet ValuationProcedures> > Configure Replacement Cost Procedure (Inflation) >:
- Maintain Inflation Indexes>
Make settings following the standard procedure, noting that you mustuse the Percentage> index format in Colombia, and all indexvalues must be marked as Definitive.>
- Maintain Time Base and Exposure to Inflation
Variants> (TBE variants) Maintain the TBE variant to fulfill a regular monthly calculation. Hereyou need to assign a postingvariant> you have defined in the activityMaintain Posting Variants>.
- Inflation Methods> > Maintain Inflation
Methods> and Assign Inflation Methods toCompany Codes> Under the FI section of the inflation method, maintain the "Doc. type(LC)," "Post.key (cr.)," and "Post.key (dr.)" fields. Under the MMsection, set the following indicators: 1) MM active, 2) Post repl.cost, and 3) Don't post to MM. Leave the fields "Man. RC change" and"Indexing method" blank.
- Maintain Material Inflation Classes>
Maintain material inflation classes for each valuation area. Specify"only index revaluation (no market price)" as the revaluation method.
- Goods Issue Revaluation> > Maintain
Movement Types> Mark all movement types that are to be revaluated by the replacementcost valuation.
- Maintain account determination for inflation adjustment as follows:
Create required inflation adjustment accounts and offsetting accountsunder Account Determination> >Maintain Inflation Adjustment Accounts >. Assign accounts to valuation classes of all materials that are subjectto inflation revaluation, under Goods Issue Revaluation> >Configure Automatic Postings> - for thechart of accounts assigned to your company code (for example, CACO) andtransaction key WGB.> Assign an offsetting account to your inflation adjustment accounts,under Account Determination> > AssignInflation Adjustment Accounts to G/L Accounts>. Assign a specific > account for definitive> inflation gain or loss.
- Maintain account determination for replacement cost valuation as
follows: You need to maintain an account for the inflation adjustment of goodsmovements in the activity Configure AutomaticPostings.> For your company code's chart of accounts and transactionkey WGI,> specify in the field "Valuation modif." the movementtype that is subject to replacement cost valuation, as well as thevaluation classes of all materials that are subject to inflationrevaluation. Lastly, when you create a material, you need to assign a materialinflation class in the inflation view.Features Selection On the report selection screen, enter data as required: