Programme SAP J_1AFR1547 - Monthly Payments File (Argentina)

In Argentina, the tax authorities (Administración Federal deIngresos Públicos, AFIP) require companies to report specific detailson payments they make. Within the first ten working days of each month,you must submit a magnetic file that includes all vendor payments madein the previous fiscal month of ARS 1000 or more, including partialpayments and down payments.
You run this report to generate the file. The file contents comply withthe requirements of General Resolution 1547/03.
To access the report, from the SAP Easy Access screen, chooseAccounting -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Payable
-> Reporting -> Argentina -> Monthly Payments Filefor AFIP Res. 1547/03.

In Customizing for Financial Accounting (FI), you need to makethe following settings:

  • Assign AFIP payment means to payment methods.

  • Choose General Ledger Accounting > Business Transactions >Closing > Reporting > Statutory Reporting: Argentina
    > D.G.I. Tax Reports > Assign PaymentMeans to Payment Methods.
    • Enter relevant document types as defined by AFIP.

    • Choose General Ledger Accounting > Business Transactions >Closing > Reporting > Statutory Reporting: Argentina
      > D.G.I. Tax Reports > MaintainOfficial D.G.I. Document Types
      and Assign Official D.G.I. DocumentTypes.
      • Define a new currency class, RES1547, and enter currency codes for it as
      • defined by AFIP.
        Choose Bank Accounting > Business Transactions >Payment Transactions > Electronic Bank Statement >Create Currency Classes andDefine Currency Classes.

        The report generates a magnetic file as specified, and it canadditionally display an ALV list on the output screen. It includes allpayments unless you specify a limit amount, and sorts payments by thepayment date.
        The file contains the following information for each vendor payment:

        • Payment date (FI payment document date)

        • Payment means

        • For automatic payments, the system derives this from the payment methodin the payment document; for manual payments, it retrieves the paymentmethod from the vendor master record or the open item.
          • Payment means ID

          • This field contains the payment document number, for example:1500000174. If a check is associated with the payment document, then itadditionally contains the check number, separated by a dash, forexample: 1500000175-0000000000035.
            • Check issuer CUIT

            • If payment was made using a check previously received from a customer,then the CUIT number of theoriginal issuer of the endorsed check is reported in this field.
              • Amount (payment amount, always denoted in ARS)

              • Bank CUIT (of the bank involved in the payment transaction)

              • Payment procedure

              • If payment was made within 30 days of the invoice date, this fieldcontains the value "01" (cash); otherwise, it contains the value '02'(installments).
                • Vendor CUIT number

                • Vendor name

                • Official document type

                • Official document number (minus the print character)

                • Invoice amount (total invoice amount in document currency)

                • Currency type
                • See also
                  For further information on the report, how to customize the system, andhow to process endorsed checks that you use for vendor payments, referto the SAP Library, under SAP ERP Central Component ->Financials or Logistics -> Country Versions ->Americas -> Argentina ->

                  • Reporting -> Accounts Payable Reporting -> Monthly
                  • Payments File Report (AFIP Res. 1547/03)
                    • Reporting -> Accounts Payable Reporting -> Monthly
                    • Payments File Report (AFIP Res. 1547/03) -> Customizing MonthlyPayments Report
                      • Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable and Accounts
                      • Payable -> Making Vendor Payments with Received Checks