Programme SAP J_1AF217 - Important Transactions Cross Check C.I.T.I. RG 781/2000

The report is used to create a list/file based concerning the law RG781/2000.
This report is a suplement of the report J_1AF117.
The list/files consist of only one section which includes all relateddocuments.
VAT totals are printed at the end of the list. Further totals are nolonger required for this report. The amounts are printed in localcurrency.


Tax code
Special G/L Indicator for Accounts Payable
Special G/L Indicator for Accounts Receivable
Correspondence Type for Customs data
Flag: List documents
Flag: List records
File name for output records

The generated list contains the following data:
Consecutive record number
Account number
Posting date
Document type and number
Document date
Official document class (as defined on table J_1AOTDETR)
Official document number
Tax code
VAT amount

571376Official Document Numbering - new customizing tables
1508382New GL enhancements for Daily VAT report, Argentina
1508303New GL enhancements for Citi compras report, Argentina