Programme SAP J_1AF205 - Mehrwertsteuer-Tagesreport

You use this report to generate a list of posted documents that containa value-added tax (VAT) indicator.
In Argentina, companies are required to submit this report to the taxauthorities upon request, in accordance with General Resolution 3419(Resolución General 3419 Anexo VII) and further amendments. Companiessend this report to the Dirección General Impositiva (DGI) via magneticfile, and often print out the output list for their own information.Accordingly, you can run two versions of the report:

  • Daily VAT Report

  • Daily VAT Report with Magnetic Output

  • The default version is the standard Daily VAT Report. To generate amagnetic file, specify the appropriate selection criteria in theMagnetic output file creation group box. There are a fewdifferences in the output, and these are explained in detail below.

    In order for the report to run correctly, in addition to correctlymaintaining VAT information in customer and vendor master data, you needto make the following settings in Customizing for FinancialAccounting:

    • Maintain versions, under General Ledger Accounting ->
    • Business Transactions -> Closing -> Reporting ->Statutory Reporting: Argentina -> D.G.I. Tax Reports ->Maintain Versions of Daily VAT Tax Report.
      • Maintain tax classes, under General Ledger Accounting ->
      • Business Transactions -> Closing -> Reporting ->Statutory Reporting: Argentina -> General ->Maintain Tax Classes.
        • Define the currency class DAILYVAT, under Bank Accounting >
        • Business Transactions > Payment Transactions >Electronic Bank Statement > CreateCurrency Classes, and subsequently enter all corresponding currencycodes for each system currency key that you use for document entry (inthe activity, Define Currency Classes).
          • Enter print authorization codes (PAC) as follows:

          • You enter your own PAC information - needed for official documents youissue - in Customizing for Cross-Application Components, underGeneral Application Functions > Cross-Application DocumentNumbering > Argentina > Define PrintAuthorization Codes.
            You enter your vendors' PAC information - for documents you receive - inTransaction J1APAC01. Note that in special cases,such as one-time vendors, you can enter the PAC manually when you postthe document. For details, refer to SAP Note 656274.
            For the magnetic output version of the report, you must also assign thetax class Municipal Perception to an appropriate processing key,and additionally specify the municipal jurisdiction code, county code,and assign to a region key - in the Maintain Tax Classes activitylisted above, since municipal perceptions are required in the magneticoutput of the report.

            Scope of Functions
            The report meets the following Argentine requirements:

            • All documents are displayed in Argentine pesos.

            • A reference number is printed for each new line.

            • The reference and page number begin with one for each new period.

            • Subtotals for the amounts are displayed at the beginning and the end of
            • each run, and are cleared for each new period.

              The selection screen includes the following sections; refer to the fieldhelp for detailed information on the individual fields:

              • Company code

              • The report generates VAT information for a single company code.
                • General selection parameters

                • You can limit the document volume for processing by specifying documentnumber, document type, or posting date.
                  • Additional selection parameters

                  • Here you can further limit your document volume and VAT types byspecifying document date, tax code, business partner (customer orvendor), and processing keys.
                    • Correspondence group box

                    • These fields enable you to control how the VAT postings are grouped byspecifying a version, and to specify a correspondence type fordisplaying customs information. You can also make settings related tohow the report retrieves vendor PAC information - through correspondencetype in FI documents and/or text lines in MM documents - if you do notenter the vendor PAC in the transaction described in thePrerequisites section.
                      • Historical table group box

                      • Here you can specify that entries generated for the current reportselection should be deleted from or updated to the historical table. Thehistorical table functions are deactivated when you run the report withmagnetic output.
                        • Magnetic output file creation group box

                        • Here you can specify that you wish to generate a magnetic file - salesfile (enter version 02 under Correspondence) or purchasesfile (enter version 01), as well as a perceptions file - andwhether it should be saved to the application and/or presentationserver.
                          • Output group box

                          • The numerous Output parameters allow you to flexibly change thelayout of the output list.

                            Output: Daily VAT Report
                            The report displays the following data for each document:

                            • Reference line

                            • Posting date

                            • Business place number

                            • Account data (account type and number, name of vendor or customer, and
                            • number of ID document)
                              • Document date

                              • Official document number and type

                              • First clearing date and number

                              • Print authorization code

                              • The report additionally groups each document by its tax codes. Thefollowing information is listed for each tax code:
                                • Tax code

                                • VAT rate

                                • Taxed amount

                                • Not taxed amount

                                • R.R. (responsible registered) VAT amount

                                • R.n.R. (responsible not registered) VAT amount

                                • VAT perception amount

                                • Other perception amount

                                • Exempted amount

                                • Line total amount

                                • If you display the output list in non-compressed format, the aboveinformation is displayed per tax code, for each processing key.
                                  Following the document lines, the report displays VAT totals per:
                                  • Tax code

                                  • Tax percentage

                                  • Official document type

                                  • Account number

                                  • Other tax totals per tax code

                                  • The output list concludes with a log containing missing entries, and alist of entries for the historical table.

                                    Output: Daily VAT Report with Magnetic Output
                                    The magnetic output of the purchases file (version 01) is sorted justlike the regular report - by posting date, while the sales file(version 02) is sorted by document date. See Perceptions Filebelow for details on perceptions output.
                                    When you generate a magnetic file as output for the Daily VAT Report,the screen output is slightly different because you are required tosubmit additional information to the DGI. The sales/purchases listoutput includes the following information not contained in the regularDaily VAT Report:

                                    • Currency code

                                    • Exchange rate

                                    • Exemption reason

                                    • Internal tax

                                    • Muncipal pereception amount

                                    • Several VAT rates

                                    • One record is written to the magnetic file per document and VAT taxrate. There is no differentiation of tax codes; if the same rateapplies to several tax codes, the amounts are aggregated into a singlerecord.
                                      • Records per business place

                                      • As a result of different columns, the output list displays some data indifferent fields when you run the report with magnetic output. Thedifferences are as follows (according to the title columns SAP deliversas default settings):
                                        • Other perception: earning tax perceptions are added to the
                                        • VAT perception.
                                          • Exports are added to the Taxed amount.

                                          • Perceptions not categorized are added to the VAT perception

                                          • .
                                            Lastly, when you run the report with magnetic output, the screen outputcontains some information that is then not written to themagnetic file; it is included on the screen output for your informationonly:
                                            • Line total

                                            • Totals per tax code, tax percentage, official document type, account
                                            • number, and other tax totals per tax code
                                              • Log
                                              • Perceptions File (Magnetic Output)
                                                If you specify a file name for a perceptions file, the report alsogenerates a separate perceptions file. The file contains the regionalor municipal jurisdiction code and the perception amount, while thescreen list output of the corresponding sales or purchases fileadditionally lists the jurisdiction codes.

410936Legal changes: Changed tables in support packages
1508382New GL enhancements for Daily VAT report, Argentina
656274Argentina: Multiple Print. Auth. Codes for vendors
647820Print Authorization Code: new View for Incoming Docs
597755J_1AF205: Change of magnetic output (Res. 1361/2002)
327003J_1AF205: New version for Daily VAT report