Programme SAP J_1AF102 - Daily Report for Bank and Cash Accounts

The report generates a list of bank and cash postings for the selecteddocuments. All amounts of the documents are printed in local currency.A reference no. is printed for every new line. The reference and pageno. begin from one for every new period. Subtotals for the debit andcredit amounts are printed at the beginning and the end of each run andcleared for every new period.
The reference no., page no. and debit/credit amounts will be stored ina historical table for each posting date. The table can be deleted withthe report J_1AF103.

The system sends a message, if the data in the hist. table are notanymore sequential. This could happen, if a date has been includedbefore an existing one or when the values for an existing one have beenchanged. The hist. table should be deleted for the made selection andthis report has to be restarted to make sure that the data in the hist.table will be sequential.
Another message will be sent, if the last entry in the hist. table isin the selection itself. In that case, the system will start with thenext date. So the hist. table has to be also deleted for thisselection, if you do not want to start with the date, which has beenset by the system.

Input parameters
Company code
Posting date
Document type
Document no.
Document date
Time dependency for numbering
Delete data in historical table for the made selection

The list is sorted by:
posting date
cpu posting date
cpu posting time
document no.
The following data are printed per document line:
reference/line no.
posting date
account no. and description
SAP document no.
document date
official document no.
document date
document line text
debit/credit amount
Total amounts are printed at the beginning and end of a run.