Programme SAP J_1AF018 - Gross Income Perception Listing with Magnetic Support

The report informs the DGI about the Gross Income Perceptions. Itcreates a file, which has to be sent to the DGI. The output listcontains data concerning the customer and document. Totals per customerand company are also printed. The amounts are printed in localcurrency.
Via selection it is possible to create a file, which has to be sent tothe DGI.

Input parameters
Standard selection screen of database BRF
Tax processing keys
Perception agent no.
Operation type
Flag: Create new dataset
Output file

The list is sorted by - company code
- customer no.
- posting date
- SAP document no.
It contains the following data:
- customer data
- account no.
- name
- no. of ID document
- GI no.
- regional GI no.
- posting date
- document no.
- official document no.
- official document type
- printing character
- total document amount
- perception amount
Totals per customer no. and company are also printed.

File format
The file format contains all necessary information for every regiondependent information to the DGI. The only thing what has to be done,is to change the global format into the right regional one. The globalfile format is described as follows:
Field Offest Length
Company code 0 4
Perception agent no. 4 10
Operation type 14 11
Customer no. 25 10
Customer name 35 35
Customer´s C.U.I.T. 70 16
Customer´s GI no. 86 11
Customer´s Regional GI no. 97 18
Posting date 115 8
Official document no. 123 13
SAP document no. 136 10
Fiscal year 146 4
Official document type 150 2
Total amount 152 11
Perception amount 163 11
All fields have character format and the amount fields are filled fromright to left.