Purpose You can use this report when you upgrade to Release IS-U/CCS 4.72 tomake entries in the tables Billing Class/Division Category forPortion> (TE420AS) and Billing Class/Division Category for MeterReading Unit> (TE422AS).Activities The system checks each client to determine which portion or meterreading unit contains billing class and division restrictions.
- The system reads all portions in the table Schedule Master Data:
Portion> (TE420). If a portion has at least one entry for thecombination of billing class/division category, this entry istransferred to the new table TE420AS. Client, portion, billing class anddivision category are saved.
- The system reads all meter reading units in the Schedule Master Data
for Meter Reading Unit> (TE422). All billing class/division categoryrestrictions in table TE422 are transferred to table TE422AS. Client,meter reading unit, billing class and division category are saved.