Programme SAP ISU_XPRA_LOGNO - XPRA for Copying Line Numbering of Budget Billing Plans

You can use this report when you upgrade to Release IS-U/CCS 4.72. Itenables you to convert the tables DFKKOP and DFKKOPW (if you use thestatistical budget billing procedure or the payment plan) or the tablesDFKMOP and DFKKMOPW (if you use the partial bill procedure).
The logical budget billing plan number has beenadded as a new field. Thisfield must be maintained before the production startup.

The system checks each client to determine which budget billingprocedure is used.
In the case of budget billing procedures 1 (statistical procedure) and 3(payment plan), the tables DFKKOP and DFKKOPW are read and converted tothe logical budget billing plan structure (EABPS). The line numbers areadded to this structure. After this, the logical structure is convertedback to the physical structure. The line numbers are kept in the tablesDFKKOP and DFKKOPW.
The same applies for the partial bill procedure. However here, thetables DFKMOP and DFKKMOPW are converted.

874418Additional info about upgrading to SAP ECC 6.0 with IS-U/CCS
804121ABP: The ISU_XPRA_LOGNO XPRA has a long runtime