Programme SAP ISU_XPRA_CO_ACC - Conversion Report for EVER, TECOD, TECOK, TECOKT

XPRA isu_xpra_co_acc_det is used to implement Customizing adjustmentsthat are necessary due to the new CO account assignment logic inIS-U/CSS and IS-T. The client-independent table TFK033C contains keyfields for posting areas R001 and T001 of applications R and T that areused to determine specific values that are defined by so-called"function fields" (you can display table TFK033C with transactionSM30). A new entry, EK01 NOCRCT, was added to this table in Release4.61. Function field TFKCOK COKEY was added in Release 4.51. Thedependent entries in table TFK033D are determined as a result of thischange and have to be converted. New tables have been created for COaccount assignment: TFKCOT, TFKOK, and TFKCOD. A key is generatedduring the XPRA run and entered in field FUN06 of table TFK033D andfield COKEY of the new tables, and is used to determine the CO accountassignments from the new tables. The account assignments are deletedfrom TFK033D and have to be entered in the new tables (where possible),along with supplementary information like company code and businessarea.
