Programme SAP ISU_WA_CREATE_MATNR_FOR_BEHGRP - Create a Material Corresponding to Container Group

You can use this report to allocatematerials corresponding toa container group.

When creating the material, the number of the container group is writtenin the Old Material Number field for the material. Thisis necessary if you already have container groups in the system, and youwant to use container location management to link these with an SDcontract.

Before you can create material corresponding to a container group, youmust first define whichmaterial type is to be usedfor creating the material. You do this in Customizing:

  • Allocate Material Type to (Container) Group
  • Type

    You can let the program run in a test run. In this case, no entries aremade in the database. However, you can, for example, check how manycontainer groups are affected. To do this, you must set the Test Run
    Furthermore, you can use the Log parameter to select whether alog of executed actions is to be written and output.

    A log is output if you have selected the Log parameter.