Programme SAP IST_SAMPLE_CREATE_BILLDOC - Generate Billing Documents

This report is a sample solution and is designed to be used as a copyingtemplate for a customer solution. The report terminates processingbefore billing documents are reversed.
A report that reverses billing documents for test purposes mustnever be used in a production system, since it generates posting-rel
evant documents for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA)!
Billing documents are generated by transferring data from externalsystems. See the BAPI method CreateMultiplefor the business object TelcoBillDoc or the documentation for thefunction module BAPI_ISTBILLDOC_CREATEMULTIPLE. Billing documentsare processed by invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payableand posted to FI-CA.
In the following situation it can be useful to generate billingdocuments using a customer report:

  • You want to test invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
  • in a test system.
    • Transferring external data using the BAPI referred to above has not been
    • implemented for the test system.
      You can use this report as a template for your own solution. Copy thereport and remove the coding section, which triggers processingtermination. Adjust the report so that it meets your requirements. Thereport uses the function module IST_INV_SAMPLE_EXTERN_BILLDOCS tosimulate external data and generates test billing documents from thisusing the function module BAPI_ISTBILLDOC_CREATEMULTIPLE. You can addthe 'external' data in the function moduleIST_INV_SAMPLE_EXTERN_BILLDOCS if necessary. You can of course also useyour own function module instead of IST_INV_SAMPLE_EXTERN_BILLDOCS.


      The function module IST_INV_SAMPLE_EXTERN_BILLDOCS can only simulateexternal data if the posting areas for TransferBilling Documents have been maintained.
      Entries must be available for the logical system, whichyou entered as a parameter when you executed the report in posting areas2640, 2641, 2642 and 2642. When the sample report is executed, thesystem proposes the logical system SAMPLE as an input parameter.Standard Customizing settings have been made for this system. If youmaintain the posting areas for a different logical system, you mustspecify this system when you execute the report.
      Entries for the company code, which you enter as parameters when thereport is executed, must be available for posting area 2640.

      Contract account: You can generate billing documents for one or morebilling documents.
      Company code: The system only processes contract accounts whosecompany code group is compatible with the companycode proposed here.
      Number of posting-relevant items: Defines the number of posting-relevantitems that are generated for each billing document.
      Number of information items: Defines the number of non posting-relevantitems that are generated for each billing document.
      Add simulated items: Leads to items being included in the billingdocument for which the Line Item is Simulated
      indicator is selected.
      Additional items: Means that additional items are generated for eachbilling document (table FKKINVBILL_A).