Programme SAP IST_CA_UNBLOCK_TELNR - Outdated f. V1.2: IS-T-CA reconnect after payment lot run

Telephone numbers that are to be reconnected are written to a file and
transferred to the technical system (via an interface) forreconnection.
Cleared documents that originally led to disconnection of a
telephone number are noted in worklist table IST_WLTEL.
The telephone number is listed in the document in the VTREF field.
The following applies to each entry in IST_WLTEL: In the program run,the system identifies open items in the contract account with the sametelephone number that may have been dunned and that have led to thesame telephone number being disconnected.
Two resulting quantities are possible:
1) Open items that match this criterion are unpaid items for VKONT andthe telephone number that have led to disconnection. They are collectedin an internal table x and transferred to a user exit.
2) If no entries exist, items for VKONT and the telephone number forwhich payment has been made have led to the disconnection. Thecorresponding telephone numbers are also written to an internal tableand transferred to a user exit. The telephone numbers are transferredto a file that contains the telephone numbers that are to bereconnected (if no other entry has been made in the user exit).
Both resulting quantities can be analysed in the user exit and a adecision about whether the telephone number is actually to bereconnected can be made.