Programme SAP ISCDXPRA08 - Conversion Program: Default Clearing Restriction 4.61->4.62

XPRA for setting the clearing restriction "D" in contract accounts thatcontain a contract for which balance interest calculation has takenplace.

With Release 4.62, contract accounts that contain contracts for whichbalance interest calculation has taken place can be cleared usingclearing on an open account basis.
So that other transactions are not able to execute clearing, the defaultclearing restriction "D" is set for all contract accounts that cancontain contracts for which balance interest calculation has takenplace. This is then transferred to the created items when posting.
The balance interest calculation on insurance object level can onlydeliver correct values if clearing does not take place on a cross-
business partner, cross-contract or cross-currency basis. The followingchecks are made for master data and transaction data.

  • A contract account that can contain contracts for which balance interest
  • calculation has taken place must be managed on an open account basis.
    • Only one business partner can be assigned

    • It can only contain one contract

    • The contract must be specified for all items on such a contract account.

    • All items on the contract account must be posted in the currency that
    • was defined as the deposit currency for the contract account.
      • All items on the contract account must contain the clearing restriction
      • "D". Down payment requests are the only exception to this.
        • All contracts for which balance interest calculation has taken place
        • must be assigned to a contract account that can contain such contracts,according to Customizing.