Programme SAP ISCDXPRA03 - Conversion Program for Master Data V2.1 -> V45.1

XPRA for Conversion of Legal Relationships into Insurance Objects andof Locks on Legal Relationships into Locks on Insurance Objects

As from Release 4.51 insurance contracts are no longer managed as legalrelationships, but as insurance objects.
This program converts all active legal relationships (field NOTACTIVEin table VVKKRKBEZ is not filled) into an insurance object.
A legal relationship was always assigned to an account. If severalpartners are assigned to this account, an insurance object is createdfor each partner.
The legal relationship was identified by two key fields:
Legal relationship type (field name: RBART)
Legal relationship number (field name: RBZNR)
The insurance object only knows a key field, namely INSOBJECT.The two fields RBART and RBZNR are transferred to this new keyfield. A hyphen is placed between the two fields.
The insurance object consists of several database tables. This programfills tables DIMAIOB and DIMAIOBPAR with data. Once the data recordshave been converted to the insurance object, the corresponding recordsare deleted in tables VVKKRKBEZ and VVKKVTRG.
In addition, the business locks that were created in the legalrelationship are transferred to the insurance object. All entries intable DFKKLOCKS with LOTYP 21 (legal relationship) are deleted and newentries created with LOTYP 22 (insurance object):

Values to date :,, RBART,,= 11
,, RBZNR,,= 4711
New value :,, INSOBJECT,,= 11-4711