Programme SAP ISCDXPRA02 - XPRA For Creation of Business Lock Dat Records

This report determines which data records in table VVKKVTRG in fieldSTOPG contain a value. This value specifies that a processing lock wasset for this legal relationship that is valid for both creatingreminders as well as for payment (incoming and outgoing payments).
A data record for a dunning lock and a data record for a payment lockare generated in table DFKKLOCKS for these data records.
If the legal relationship is assigned to a contract account to which anumber of business partners belong, a corresponding data record isgenerated for each business partner in table DFKKLOCKS.
The fields are filled out as follows:
CLIENT: Same client as for table VVKKVTRG
LOOBJ1: Legal relationship number (RBART and RBZNR)
LOTYP: 21 (Entry from system table TFK080B)
PROID: 01 (dunning lock) or 10 (payment lock)
(Entry from system table TFK080F)
LOCKR: The system checks whether entry 'X' exists in table TFK008
or TFK0476. If this is not the case, this entry is
generated by the system in the customizing table and is
assigned the text 'not specified'. If an entry with value
'X' exists, the system will generate an entry with value
'Z'. Depending on this check, the system enters either
value 'X' or 'Z'.
FDATE: Date on which the legal relationship was assigned to the
contract account. If this date occurs after the date in
field STOPD, STOPD will be adjusted.
GPART: Business partner assigned to the contract account
VKONT: Contract account to which the legal relationship is
COND_LOOBJ: Remains empty
ACTKEY: Remains empty
UNAME: Name of user who executes XPRA
ADATUM: Date on which the legal relationship was assigned to the
contract account.
AZEIT: Time at which the legal relationship was assigned to the
contract account.
After a data record has been successfully created in table DFKKLOCKS,fields STOPG and STOPD are set to INITIAL in table VVKKVTRG.