Programme SAP IPM_CR_PAYMENT_REPOST - IPM: Reposting of Payments for Contract Revision

You can use this report following a contract revision or recoupment ofadvances to repost paid values from the old item to the new item. Openitems for the customer and G/L accounts involved in the payment arereposted here.
The system always creates two reposting documents. The documentassociated with the reversal billing document clears the values thatcontain the title information from the old item. The document associatedwith the new billing document posts the values that contain the titleinformation from the new item.
If you do not select the documents for the reversal billing document andthe new billing document collectively, the system generates twoadditional documents. The first document posts the values for thereversal billing document without title information in the firstinstance. The second document clears the values for the new billingdocument.

You have performed a contract revision in a license sales contract, orthe billing document contains a clearing item that has been split. Thesubscription IPM_ACCIMN for splitting the clearing item will first beavailable as of CRM 5.0 SP07.
You have an active special purpose ledger in which you update postingsfrom a license sales contract with the corresponding rights attributes.

The system reposts payments made for all documents in the periodselected, which reference a document from a contract revision. Thisrequires you to make a corresponding entry in the field for documentflow. The system enters the document flow in the ZUONR field asstandard. If you are using a different field, such as XREF3, you mustenter this in the Field for Document Flow parameter.
If you restrict the selection to specific document numbers, the systemonly considers these documents for the selected period.
The system only selects documents that have been generated from theBilling Engine application IPMI. The system then determines all paymenttransactions associated with these documents, and reposts the paymentsin the special purpose ledger with the corresponding attributes.
If the selected documents still have preceding documents, which have notyet been reposted, the system also selects and reposts these documents.
Specify the special purpose ledger from which the attributes to bereposted are to be determined.
Specify the document type and the document header text with which thereposting documents are to be posted. Note that this document typeinfluences postings in the special purpose ledger. Cash accounts arealso involved in the reposting. Select the document type accordingly.You can specify a separate document type for clearing and postingwithout title information.
If the Posting Date field contains an entry, the repostingdocuments are posted using this date. If this field is empty, thereposting uses the posting date of the original document to be reposted.
Select the Reposting First With New Billing Document indicator ifyou want to avoid making additional postings without title information.This delays the reposting for the reversal billing document until thenew billing document has been posted. This only affects documents thatactually need to be reposted. The system always performs a clearing withthe old title information and then makes a posting without titleinformation immediately for a reversal billing document that is not tobe reposted (according to the revision scope in CRM).
If a document contains references for contract revision and recoupmentof advances, it is also reposted immediately. It is not possible to waitfor the next billing document.
Execute the report in the test mode to identify the documents to bereposted.

Display the selected documents and the associated reposting documents.
Reposting documents that contain errors are identified by the red statuslight. Documents without errors have a green light.
If there are messages for a document, you can display them bydouble-clicking on Messages. Documents that do not contain errorscan still have messages (for example, if there are no payments to bereposted).
If reposting documents have been generated, you can display thecorresponding document from Financial Accounting (FI) bydouble-clicking the new document number.

If a reposting document has already been generated for an FI documentfrom a contract revision, you cannot generate another reposting for theunderlying FI document, even if new payments have been made for the oldtransaction. If these payments are also to be reposted, you first needto reverse the old reposting document.
If you want to modify the data in the reposting document to be created,you can use the BAdI IPM_CR_REPOST_BADI to do so.

832688Contract revision requires the BSEG-ZUONR field
827560Contract revision: Document flow in FI documents not correct
794341Predecessor document with repeated audit of milestones
785599Backdated contract revision with difference calculation
756299Retroactive contract revision with difference calculation
766500Endless loop in contract revision with settlement