Programme SAP INST_TMS_PREP_ADD2DOM - Preparing a System to Be Included in the Transport Domain

Prepare the Production System for Being Included in the TransportDomain

Configures the Transport Management System (TMS) for a Ready-to-Runinstallation. In a two-system landscape, the development system isconfigured as the transport domain. The production system ispre-configured to be added to the transport domain.

The production system cannot be activated in the domain during theinstallation, since both systems need to be running at the time. Thiscannot always happen. This means that you must activate the systemmanually after the Ready-to-Run installation by calling the reportprogram INST_TMS_ADD_PRD.


The report program INST_TMS_PREP_ADD2DOM first checks whetherthe TMS has already been configured. If so, the program terminates andthe configuration data is reset.
The program reads the local system information data.
It creates the TMS administration user TMSADM.
It initializes the communication interface (CI) and creates thedestination of the domain controller.
It creates information for the client (status = waiting), and thensends back the TMS configuration. It creates the CI configuration forclient and controller, and then identifies the client and controllerfor the CI.