Programme SAP INST_SET_LANGPROF - Modifying the Instance Profile (Language, Code Page)

Set Profile Parameters Relevant to the Language and Code Page

The report INST_SET_LANGPROF is called as part of a SmartImplementation or via the transaction INST_CUSTOM.
For security reasons, the report cannot be called directly.

The languages that you want to install must belong to a code page.
The report program INST_SET_LANGPROF does not support MNLS orblended code pages.


The selection parameters are:

  • System language SYSTLANG

  • Language vector INSTLANG

  • Code page CODEPAGE

  • The parameters must be stored in the table INSTPARA.
    INSTLANG and SYSTLANG can be blank.
    In latin-1 systems, INSTLANG has the content "DE", and innon-latin-1 systems, the content "E" is used.
    The default value for SYSTLANG is "E".

    The report initializes the tables TCPDB and TCP0D if nolanguages have been imported yet (<> German and English). Entries withcode page <> code page from selection parameters are deleted from thetable TCPDB . Entries with system language <> system languagefrom selection parameters are deleted from the table TCP0D. Ifone of the tables has no entries, the entries of the other table arealso deleted (consistency).
    The report program then sets the following profile parameters in theinstance profile of the current system:

    • zcsa/system_language

    • zcsa/installed_languages

    • install/codepage/appl_server (*)

    • install/codepage/db/transp (*)

    • install/codepage/db/non_transp (*)

    • abap/locale_ctype (according to TCP0C) (*)

    • saptemu/Codepage (for Asian code pages) (*)

    • The profile parameters with (*) are not set if the system is anon-latin-1 system in which the tables TCPDB and TCP0Dhave not been set yet (see the example below).
      Any existing profile parameters are overwritten with the new data.
      The consistency of Language, Code page and Languagevector is checked. If they are not consistent, the report terminateswith an appropriate error message.

      The report INST_SET_LANGPROF is executed twice as part of aSmart Implementation.
      It is started for the first time at the start of the implementationprocess. At this stage, the tables TCPDB and TCP0D areblank. The profile parameters with (*) are not filled during this run.
      The report is executed for the second time after profile generationtoward the end of the installation process. At this stage, the tablesTCPDB and TCP0D are filled. If languages were importedduring the installation process, the parameters with (*) can be set.
      The background to this procedure is:
      The parameters relevant to the code page cannot be set until thecorresponding database tables TCPDB and TCP0D have beenfilled. Otherwise, logging on in English is not possible. Before alanguage import, however, logging on in English must be possiblebecause, besides German, is it the only available language at thistime.