Programme SAP INST_CREATE_CUA - Installation: Create Central User Administration

Optional Setup of the Central User Administration (CUA)

The CUA can be set up on the Smart Installation Workplace Server withreport INST_CREATE_CUA. Since this report uses parameters that wereautomatically set during the installation of the Workplace Server, thereport is only effective in a Smart Installation.

Initally, execute this program once only. You cannot call thereport later if you have already made settings in the CUA. Otherwise,the settings you had already made would be deleted by this program.
Using the Central User Administration is optional. It is not criticalfor the Workplace implementation.

Execute this program in the client that the CUA should be set up in.Make sure that you are logged on to the Workplace Server.

The program INST_CREATE_CUA performs the following steps to set up theCUA:
A logical system (LS) is set up for every specified client. The logicalsystems are required for the ALE distribution model.
The naming convention for logical systems: CLNT
: System ID of the component system
: CUA-relevant client of the component system
The LS of the Workplace Server is assigned to the current client if theassignment has not already been made. In the component systems, theassignment of clients to logical systems is automatically checked.
The ALE distribution model is generated with the logical systems thatwere defined previously.
The RFC destinations are created. The names of the RFC destinations areidentical to the names of the logical systems. The technicalinformation about the RFC destinations was collected before theinstallation from the Ready-to-Run Configuration Assistant. A check ismade to establish whether the RFC destinations for the connection fromthe component system back to the Workplace Server work. If this in notthe case, you must create it manually in the component system.
Partner profiles are generated on the Workplace Server. Partnerprofiles can only be generated automatically in the component systemsif the component system is Release 4.6C or above.
The ALE distribution model is distributed to all specified logicalsystems. The RFC destinations must be functioning for this.

Manual steps
Certain steps cannot be performed automatically by the program:
You must generate the partner profiles in every component system thatis below Release 4.6C. To do so, enter transaction code BD64, andchoose Environment -> Generate partner profile.
If there is no functioning RFC destination for connection from acomponent system back to the Workplace Server, you must create one inthe component system using transaction SM59.