Programme SAP IBRO_REPHIST - Display Broker Report History

Broker Report History

You can display all available broker reports using the broker reporthistory, and you can control the selection of the reports to bedisplayed by using defined selection criteria (see below).
Further to this, you can display the broker and broker contract masterdata from the list display and create or request missing brokerreports.
As long as correspondence requests are already available, you canbranch off to the correspondence history.


The following criteria are available to you for selection:

  • Broker

  • Broker contract

  • Search term

  • Broker report status

  • Period

  • When selecting according to period, all broker reports are issued whoseinvoicing period overlaps with the interval entered.
    Gaps in the history are indicated by additional red lines. This is notthe case if you select the broker reports according to the search termor broker report status criteria, as the broker reports are selectedhere per broker and broker contract, and are not displayed in any orderof time.
    If a missing broker report had already been requested, this isdisplayed in the status.