Programme SAP HVEULKT0 - Report for data transfer from external systems

This program inputs payroll data from external systems to the SAPsystem.
The program reads the sequential files generated from the externalsystem data and maintains the following tables:
- Payroll account input: Payroll periods (T558B).
- Payroll account input: Wage types (T558C).
- Tables for the maintenance of the tables associated with theVenezuelan payroll functions:
Transfer of External Payroll Results: Leave (T7VEA1).
Transfer of External Payroll Results: Absences (T7VEA2).
Transfer of External Payroll Results: Interest (T7VEI1).
Transfer of External Payroll Results: INCE contribution (T7VEI2).
Transfer of External Payroll Results: RPVH contributions (T7VEL1).
Transfer of External Payroll Results: Profit shares(T7VEP1).
Transfer of External Payroll Results: SSO/RPE (T7VES4).
Transfer of External Payroll Results: Seniority (T7VES5).
Transfer of External Payroll Results: Income tax (T7VET1).
On the basis of information entered in these tables and using thepayroll run program (HVECALC0), the conversion schema (VELK) and thetransfer function (VETRN), the payroll results for external systems arestored in the PCL2 file.
If the system is unable to read any of the sequencial files whilerunning the program, the tables will not be maintained.