Programme SAP HVECWHR0 - Hours worked report

This report is used for generating the form for the Declaration ofEmployment, Hours Worked and Wages Paid for the Ministry of Labor.

The payroll for the periods corresponding to the quarter of the selectedyear must have previously been run.

Function volume

This report should be run once for each different social insurancenumber in table T7VE0P (which should therefore always be kept up todate).
When selecting the employees to be included in the report (which is doneusing the parameters near the top of the screen), the employees takenwill be those who belong to the selected Social Insurance number. Anyvalues entered into the personnel area and subarea checkboxes will,together with the social insurance number, limit the employees selected.If other filters have been selected in the selection menu, they willalso affect the employees selected.
The required selection conditions for this report include:

  • Company Social Insurance number

  • Output Form (under Report Data). The standard system
  • offers the form HRVE_MIN_LAB_01. If this form does not meet yourrequirements, you can create another one (transaction SE71).
    • Number of days worked by employees and wage workers for each month of
    • the quarter.
      • Wage types to be taken into account to obtain the number of overtime
      • hours worked (see table T510S).

        This report generates, for each month of the quarterly period selected,the template for the Quarterly Declaration of Employment, Hours Workedand Wages Paid in the National Companies and Establishments Register.
        The template contains the following data:

        • Establishment data:

        • These data can be found in sections 'Location of company orestablishment/branch' and 'Company or establishment/branch ID' of thetemplate.
          The RIF number, the NIT number and the NIL numberare obtained from table Additional Company Data (T7VE01).
          The establishment name is obtained from table Additional CompanyData (Time-dependent) (T7VE02).
          The address identifier for the establishment (ADDRNUMBER) is obtaineddepending on the company social insurance number, from table T7VE0P. Ifit is not defined in the table, the address identifier will be takenfrom table T7VE02. The identifier is used to obtain the company address,municipality,telephone number, parish, fax number, town and e-mailaddress. For more information about completing this information relatedto the address of the establishment, see the Implementation Guide (IMG):Global Settings -> Global Data -> Enter additional companyinformation.
          The Status is obtained from table Taxes: Provincial key; texts(T005U).
          In the selection screen, you can enter the Trade Name of theestablishment.
          • Number of workers, divided into male and female, according to employment
          • category.
            These data are included in the section 'Employment' of the resultingtemplate.
            The types of workers included in the company are determined using thefollowing values defined in the Classification of Employees byEmployment feature (VECL3):
            Owners and active partners
            Unpaid family workers
            Managers and Directors
            Wage workers
            INCE apprentices
            Juvenile workers
            Foreign employees
            Disabled employees
            Minimum wage earners
            For foreign employees (Employment category '8'), the report returns andtests the information in the Nationality field of the Personal Data
            infotype (0002).
            For minimum wage earners (Employment category '10') the report checkswhether the employee is paid the minimum wage, comparing his or her wageto the value of the constants Statutory minimum wage (VEMIN) orStatutory minimum wage - Apprentice (VEMIA) according to theiremployee or apprentice category. The minimum wage is stored in tableT511P. To find the employees who are paid the minimum wage, thePlanned Basic Wage (/0BS) wage type is used as a reference.
            • Number of workers, divided into men and women, who joined and retired
            • from the company. The data can be found in the section 'EmployeeTurnover' of the resulting template.
              • Minimum and maximum wage (monthly remuneration), divided according to
              • the employment category of the employees. The data can be found in thesection 'Monthly remuneration' of the resulting template.
                • Days, Shifts (Day, Mixed and Night) and Hours worked during the week:
                • includes only full and part-time workers from the Employees and WageWorkers category. The number of days, shifts and hours are defined inthe selection screen.
                  • The days worked during the month and the shifts worked daily are defined
                  • in the selection screen, under Number of Days and Number ofShifts, respectively. The number of overtime hours is read from wagetypes selected in the selection screen, under Overtime hours workedduring the week - Wage types.
                    • Are the employees included in the Food Program? This question will be
                    • answered in the selection screen.
                      • The canteen data and the daily amounts of the food vouchers and the
                      • electronic card are defined in the selection screen.
                        • If the Food Program is provided by an external company, specify also in
                        • the selection screen the Name of the company that offers theservice and the Address of the canteen.
                          • Specify in the selection screen whether the Registration submitted to
                          • the Ministry of Labor (MINTRA) has changed.