Programme SAP HVECRNR0 - Update listing report

A program that generates the Update Listing for the Venezuelan Instituteof Social Insurance(IVSS).
This report contains information relating to wage changes, unpaidabsences and sick leave, according to the options chosen on theselection screen (Wage changes - Absences).
Absence category attributes are defined in table T7VEAB, view V_T7VEAB
- An absence is unpaid if its field T7VEAB-APAID is blank.
- An absence is considered to be sick leave if there is an 'X' in itsfield T7VEAB-AREST.
If an absence is configured as unpaid and as sick leave, the program'salgorithm will take the first instance at which the the absence isunpaid.
The report is generated by company, for a specific period.

You must have previously run the payroll for the period entered in thereport's execution parameters.

Update Listing report.