Programme SAP HVECISL0 - Files and reports for ISLR

A program that generates the file and report of the company´s AnnualEmployee Deductions Report for SENIAT.
The report includes employee deductions made by a company during onetax year.
The file generated is a TemSe file containing information about acompany´s employees, as required by SENIAT. The program displays thelast file generated. Should there be more than one file per run, these
can be displayed by running the HVEUTMS0 report. The file name will bemade up of the prefix HR_ISLVE0_, plus the company code identity key,plus a counter that will increase if there is more than one legalperson in the company code (for example, HR_ISLVE0_VE0102).
An overview with the total numbers of employees processed, rejected,and saved in the TemSe file is also generated. The TemSe file and theoverview are both generated by company.
The report, file and overview generated include the followinginformation:
a) Company information:
The company code identity key should be defined in table T7VE01.
The company name is obtained from table T001.
The RIF tax number is obtained from table T7VE01.
The person responsible at the company is obtained from T7VE02.
The fiscal year for which the report is being generated is obtainedfrom table T7VEDP (dates for profit share adjustment calculations). Tocarry out a search for the fiscal year, the "profit share adjustmentmodifier" (MODPS) from table T7VE02 is used, and the date is the startdate of the date data entered under "Period" in the selection screen.
The company address and telephone number are obtained using the companyaddress identifier (ADDRNUMBER) from table T7VE02.
The status is obtained from table T005U.
b) Employee data:
The employee identity card is obtained from infotype 0185 (PersonnelID). To search for an identity card, the date used is the start date ofthe date information entered under "Period" in the selection screen.
The employee name is obtained from infotype 0001 (Organizationalassignment).
c) Tax data:
This data is only valid for the fiscal year specified in the companydata.
The information for the Income Tax (ISLR) basis and the tax deductedare obtained from table TAX_EVAL of the payroll cluster. The Income taxbasis corresponds to the taxable basis (TXGRS) found in table TAX_EVAL.The amount of tax corresponds to the total Income Tax deductions(TXDED) from table TAX_EVAL.
The number of employees who have paid income tax in the company duringthe corresponding fiscal year appears under "Taxpayers".
The total amount of credits is the sum of employee income tax basesduring the fiscal year.
The total amount of deductions is the sum of employee tax deductionsduring the fiscal year.
The required selection conditions for this report include:
a) Company code identity key.
b) The forms for the report and the overview are on the selectionscreen, under "Printing information". The standard system offers formsHRVE_DISKGEN_02 (for the report) and HRVE_DISKGEN_03 (for theoverview). If these forms do not meet your requirements, you can chooseto use others. You can select both the "Generate report" and "Generatefile" checkboxes at the same time, and at least one of these twocheckboxes must be always be selected. Regardless of the selectionmade, an overview of the report data will always be displayed.

The payroll for the tax year (as defined in the company data) must havealready been executed.

TemSe file by company.
Overview form by company.