Programme SAP HTWLHID0 - Difference Report of NHI Data

This report is used to compare the information between the system anddata provided by NHI bureau and list the difference in case there areany.

Payroll results and the NHI data file are available.

This report will read the file which you designate in the selectionscreen and compare the data with relevant master data and payrollresult. If there is any difference, the system would indicate it as thefollowing on the screen:

  • Unmatchable data in NHI

  • There are data in NHI data file, but cannot find the relevant masterdata and payroll result.
    • Unmatchable data in file

    • There are data in master data and payroll result, but cannot find therelevant data in NHI data file.
      • The different data

      • There are revelant data, but the data are different between master datapayroll result and the data in NHI file. Only the different data willbe outputed on the screen.