Programme SAP HTHU_CREATE_SEQ_NO - Create Sequence no. for Thai Employee (for Legal reports)

Create Sequence number for Thai employees (for Legal reports) (

This report generates the employee sequence number which is reported inthe tax forms for Thailand.
As per the Statutory rules, when an employer submits a tax form to theauthorities, the employer must specify an Employer Tax IDand a unique number for each employee in the organization called theSequence Number. As this number is submitted foremployees in a sequential format, they are called sequence numbers.
All legal forms, submitted by an employer or an employee, must specifythe sequence number of the employee. The Sequence Numbers are ofthe Plain Numeric format.
Sequence numbers are unique across employees for a given EmployerTax ID. Two employees however belonging to two differentEmployer Tax IDs can have the same Sequence number.

The following tax reports use the employee Sequence Number generated bythis report:

  • ITF1A - Income Tax Form 1A - Yearly report Thailand report
  • (HTHCTX1A)
    • ITF1 - Income Tax Form 1 - Monthly for Thailand (HTHCTX1)

    • 50Bis - Income Tax Form 50 Bis - Yearly report Thailand
    • (HTHCTX5B)

      You must run this report every year before you issue any of the Legalforms ITF1, ITF1A or the 50BIS report.
      Additionally, you are required to run this report for any new employeewho has been hired since the report was last run.
      Based on the selection criteria, the report generates the
      Sequence Number for all selected employees based on theiremployment status in the order:
      Active employees
      Terminated employees (with payments due)

      To ensure that all employees have a running Sequence number
      for an Employer Tax Id, you must run the report for allemployees. Select the employees based on the Employer Tax Id Number


      • Select one or more employees based on the selection criteria,
      • including:
        Personnel Number
        Personnel Area
        Personnel Subarea
        Payroll Area
        Employer Tax Id number
        • Specify the year for which the sequence numbers are to be generated

        • Specify one or a range of Employer Tax Id numbers of the
        • employees
          • Select the Test Run indicator in case you wish to see a
          • simulation of the process. These results are not stored in theDatabase.


            • The system generates Sequence numbers for all the selected
            • employees and displays the results and errors if any.
              • In the List displayed, Personnel Area and Personnel Subarea
              • displayed are for information, and will not be displayed in caseswhere the splits in Personnel Area and Personnel Subareado not result in a change of Employer Tax ID .
                Reason: Program will merge the splits to allocate a Sequence no.
                ,and any one Personnel Area and Personnel Subarea willnot be valid for the whole validity period.
                • The Sequence Numbers generated for the employees are stored in
                • the Personal Ids Infotype (0185) Subtype (05)