Programme SAP HTHCTX5B - Income Tax Form 50 Bis - Yearly report Thailand

Income Tax 50 BIS - Yearly Report Thailand (HTHCTX5B

The statutory 50 BIS certificate of tax deduction is provided by theemployer to all employees at the end of each tax year or upontermination of employment. This report is a summary of the personalincome tax withholding for an employee.

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The sequence number generated by the Create Sequence No. for ThaiEmployees (for legal reports) utility report (HTHU_CREATE_SEQ_NO) isdisplayed in this report. The same Sequence No. is displayed inall the legal reports.


  • Master data records must exist

  • You must have payroll results for the selected employee(s) for the
  • period in which the report is to be run



    • Select one or a range of Personnel numbers for a Personnel
    • area, Personnel sub-area and Payroll area for the year forwhich you want to run the 50BIS report.
      • Choose to print the report either in a pre-printed format or in a
      • normal sheet format
        • Specify the number of copies required

        • Upload the Tax Payers Signature in electronic format and
        • print in the report

          The report generates the employee Income Tax Form 50 Bis - Yearlyreport Thailand form.
          This form provides details of the amount paid to the particularemployee and the tax deducted for the tax year. The paid amount isdivided into components according to its income type. The incomecondition of the amount paid is also indicated in the form.

          • For employees transferred between companies within the same tax year,
          • the report generates multiple Income Tax Form 50 Bis - Yearlyreport Thailand form.
            • There is one form generated for each company that the employee worked
            • in, within the tax reporting year. The report diffentiates thedifferent companies based on the Tax Payer ID.