Programme SAP HTHCTX1A - Income Tax Form 1A - Yearly report Thailand

The Income Tax Form 1A (ITF1A) Yearly Report (HTHCTX1A)

This is a statutory report that displays the yearly summary of eachemployee's assessable income, deductible expense, personal allowancesand income tax withheld in the tax year.
The report is submitted either at the area tax office or the provincetax office where the employee's office is located within the month ofFebruary in the following tax year.
This report reads the payroll data and prints the report.

Although SAP Script provides font substitution for individual printersto remain global, SAP recommends using HPLJ4Si/4SiMX PS laser jet.


  • Master data records must exist

  • You must have the selected employee(s) payroll results for the
  • assessment year which you wish to run this report



    • One or a range of Personnel numbers for a Personnel area,
    • Personnel sub area and Payroll area
      • The Assessment Year for which you want to run the tax report

      • Indicator to specify whether, to print the Full report or only
      • the Cover Sheet (report header)
        • Output Media. You may choose either or both of Hard Copy
        • disk format.

          The report generates the Annual Tax Report 'Income Tax Form 1A'(ITF1A) form for the different companies within your organization.
          For employees who were transferred between companies, within the sametax reporting year, the report generates multiple Annual Tax Report'Income Tax Form 1A' (ITF1A) forms. There is one form generated foreach company that the employee worked in, within the tax reportingyear. The report differentiates the different companies based on theTax Payer ID.
          Each Annual Tax Report 'Income Tax Form 1A' (ITF1A) formscontains a header followed by detailed report.

          The Cover sheet or header, prints:

          • Tax Payer ID Card, is the tax payer's identification
          • number (in case the employer is an individual and not a company)
            • Tax-Payer's ID Card, or the tax identification number of
            • employer.
              • Type of Submit, indicator specifying if the amount is
              • paid as a regular submit or an additional submit
                • Address of Tax Payer Organization

                • Branch No., branch number (in case the Income Tax Form 1
                • is prepared separately for each branch)
                  • Year of Submission, Buddhist year of submission of report

                  • Attachments, Indicator for attachments of Hard Copy of
                  • detailed sheet and/or Floppy Disk with the cover sheet.
                    • Amount paid this time, total Income of following types
                    • for all employees under this cover sheet:
                      Income for which tax is deducted using the withholding tax rate
                      Income of type 40(1) & 40(2) paid as one time payment due totermination
                      Income of type 40(2) which the employee earned while staying inThailand
                      Income of type 40(2) which the employee earned while not staying inThailand
                      • Income Tax paid, total amount of tax for each income type
                      • listed above for all employees under this cover sheet
                        • Number of Persons, number of persons for each income type
                        • for all employees under this cover sheet
                          • Total Number of Persons, total number of employees for
                          • this cover sheet
                            • Grand Total of Assessable Income, total amount of
                            • assessable income

                              The detailed report (under each header) prints:

                              • Employer's Identification Number, tax payer's identity Number
                              • (in case the employer is a person and not a company)
                                • Tax ID of Tax-Payer, tax identification number of the employer

                                • Type of Income, description of the type of income of the
                                • employees listed
                                  • Branch No., branch number (in case the Income Tax Form 1A is
                                  • prepared separately for each branch)
                                    • Page no., page number

                                    • Of Total Page(s), total page(s)

                                    • Seq. No., the unique number generated for an Employer Tax Id

                                    • by the Create Sequence No. for Thai Employees (for legalreports) (HTHU_CREATE_SEQ_NO) utility program, is printed to bereproduced in the tax reports.
                                      • Employee's Identification, personal identification number of the
                                      • employee
                                        • First name, first name of the employee with title.

                                        • Last name, last name of employee

                                        • Address, address of the employee upto a maximum of 50
                                        • characters.
                                          • Amount paid this time, amount of assessable income for each
                                          • income condition
                                            • Income Tax paid & submitted this time, personal income tax
                                            • paid
                                              • Condition number of payment, identifier for the income
                                              • conditions:
                                                Income Condition 1, Income on which tax is deducted with theprogressive tax rate plus Income due to One time Termination Payment.
                                                Income Condition 2, Income that is used to Gross up for All Cycles(Gross up Fulll Cycle)
                                                Income Condition 3, Income that is used to Gross up for One Cycle
                                                • Grand Total of Assessable Income, total amount of assessable
                                                • income
                                                  • Grand Total Deducted, total amount of tax deducted

                                                  • Authorized person's signature, position and date of filing tax returns
                                                  • Format of output file for Disk Download
                                                    The disk download file is saved at the specified path with thefollowing data in the given order. Every field is separated byseparator pipe "|".
                                                    Form type (02 Characters)
                                                    Personal ID (13 Characters)
                                                    Company Tax ID (10 Characters)
                                                    Company Branch No. (04 Characters)
                                                    Personal ID (13 Characters)
                                                    Employee Tax ID (10 Characters)
                                                    Form of Address (40 Characters)
                                                    Employee First Name (80 Characters)
                                                    Employee Surname (80 Characters)
                                                    Employee Address 1 (80 Characters)
                                                    Employee Address 2 (80 Characters)
                                                    ZIP Code (05 Characters)
                                                    Month Number -> "00" is printed
                                                    Tax Year (04 Chararacters)
                                                    Code of income (01 Character)
                                                    Date of tax payment (08 Characters)
                                                    Tax rate (03 Characters)
                                                    Taxable income (Amount formatted as 13.2)
                                                    Tax amount (Amount formatted as 13.2)
                                                    Deduction condition (01 Character)

                                                    From the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Human Resources -> Payroll ->Asia/Pacific -> Thailand -> Subsequent activities -> Annual -> LegalReports -> Tax -> Income Tax Form 1A.
                                                    Select your employee or group based on Personnel number, Personnelarea, Personnel subarea and Payroll area.
                                                    Enter the tax assessment year in the Assessment year field.
                                                    Select the print details indicator to print the Full Report oronly the Cover sheet.
                                                    Select the Output Media to print the report.
                                                    Select Program->Execute.