Programme SAP HRUU_IC_DATA_TRANSFER - Transfer data from IT-0002/0006 to IT-0290 (Insurance Cerficate)

The program is necessary to transfer data from infotype 0002(
Personal Data) and infotype 0006(Addresses) into infotype0290(Documents and Certificates (RU)) subtype "Pension InsuranceCertificate" after upgrading system to ERP2005/ERP2007 version.

The program is transfering the following fields:
,,infotype 0002
p0002-nachn -> p0290-nachn
p0002-vorna -> p0290-vorna
p0002-midnm -> p0290-midnm
p0002-gbdat -> p0290-gbdat
p0002-gesch -> p0290-gesch
,,infotype 0006
p0006-strds(1) -> p0290-spcpf
p0006-adr03 -> p0290-mstrana
p0006-adr04 -> p0290-mregion
p0006-or2kk -> p0290-mraion
p0006-num04 -> p0290-mplace+00, p0006-num05 -> p0290-mplace+20

The system is upgraded from version 46C, 470, ERP2004 intoERP2005/ERP2007
Table T7RURPTCST00 contains records:
PACKMAN,,,,PFR_SUBTY,,,,,,802,,,," Pension Insurance Certificatesubtype number
MP000600,,,,BP_SUBTY,,,,,,RUBP,,,," Birthplace subtype number

Run the program.
Set the employees' selection parameters and execute the program.