Programme SAP HRUUDLFO - Removal of Non-English Function and Operation Documentation

You use this report to remove outdated documentation in languages otherthan English and as a result, view the most up-to-date documentation forfunctions and operations that SAP ships.
If you modify documentation for functions and operations in your workingclient, you only see this documentation and not the latest SAPdocumentation, which remains in client 000.
You use this report to remove the documentation for functions andoperations in all languages other than English in client 000.

Whenever you modify function or operation documentation in the workingclient, the system stores your version in a different table, which meansthat whenever SAP delivers updates to the documentation, the updatedversion is not available in your working client; it remains in client000 only.

Check the functions and operations listed in the include that forms theselection basis for the report, include HRUUINTB. If required, add anynew functions and operations that are not listed in the include.

You can run the report in test and deletion modes. In both cases, thereport shows which language versions exist in client 000.


  • Test mode

  • Lists the functions and operations that have been defined in includeHRUUINTB, as well as the language versions of the objects that exist inclient 000.
    • Deletion mode

    • Removes the documentation in all languages other than English for thefunctions and operations that are listed in include HRUUINTB.
      To delete documentation, enter your user name, which must be the samename that you use to log on to the system.

      The report lists the objects that meet your selection criteria, alongwith the language versions of the objects that exist in client 000.