Programme SAP HRUUCPFT - HRUUCPFT: Copy Feature Documentation from Client 000

You use this report to compare the documentation for features in thecurrent client with the documentation in client 000, and if required,copy the documentation from client 000.
The most up-to-date documentation that SAP delivers is available inclient 000. As such, if you want to use the most up-to-datedocumentation in your working client, you must use the documentationfrom client 000.

Whenever you modify a feature or its documentation in the workingclient, the system stores your version in a different table, which meansthat whenever SAP delivers updates to the documentation, the updatedversion is not available in your working client; it remains in client000.

To check if the version of the feature documentation in your workingclient differs from the latest version in client 000, you use the reportto compare the documentation in the current client with thedocumentation in client 000.
If the report shows differences between the current client and client000, you can choose to copy the documentation from client 000 to thecurrent client as follows:

  • In the original language of the feature documentation

  • In the original language of the feature documentation and the logon
  • language
    Note: In the first step of the copy process, the report deletesthe documentation in either the original language or additionally thelogon language in the current client.

    Enter the feature that you want to analyze.
    To compare the documentation with the documentation in client 000,choose Compare with Client 000.
    Note that the radio buttons do not influence the compare function.
    When you are certain that you want to replace the documentation in thecurrent client with the documentation from client 000, select eitherOriginal Language or Original and Logon Languages.
    To copy the documentation, choose Program -> Execute.
    Note: You can also use the report to delete the documentation inlanguages other than the original language, which for all features inPayroll for Russia (PY-RU) is English. To do this, log on in thelanguage that you want to delete, select Original and LogonLanguages, and choose Execute. The report deletes the Russiandocumentation and replaces the English version of the documentation withthe latest documentation that SAP shipped.

    The report lists the language versions that exist for the selectedfeature, along with a status showing whether the version in the currentclient or client 000 is more up-to-date.
    When you copy documentation, the system displays a confirmation message.

    You are logged on in Russian and want to copy the latest version of thedocumentation for feature 33XYZ to your working client, 003.
    You first compare the documentation in client 003 with the latestdocumentation in client 000. Since the English version of thedocumentation in client 000 is newer than the version in client 003,proceed as follows:
    RESET N1
    Enter feature 33XYZ.
    Choose Compare with Client 000 and confirm that the last columnin the output is a greater than sign (<). This shows that thedocumentation in client 000 is more up-to-date than in client 003.
    Return to the selection screen.
    Select Original Language and choose Program -> Execute
    A confirmation message appears to show that the report has copied thedocumentation in its original language from client 000 to client 003.