Programme SAP HRALXSYNC - Object Synchronization and Repair

This report enables you to run a consistency check for the integrationof HR Master Data and Business Partner data. If not all data exists forthe business partner, you can first synchronize data. Whensynchronization is run for organizational units, the basic data (name,description) and the address data is included; when synchronization isrun for central persons, bank information is included in addition to thebasic data and address data.

To be able to run this report, integration between OrganizationalManagement and SAP Business Partner must be active.

This section contains information about the functions you can use toselect and output data.

The following options enable you to restrict the selection of objects:

  • Central Person

  • In addition to selecting central persons created during integrationbetween HR Master Data and Business Partner data, you can also selectcentral persons who have been created locally. However, central personscreated locally are not checked for consistency.
    • Employee (object type P)

    • This selection option is only available in HR systems. The correspondingcentral person is displayed together with the person. Both objects arekept consistent in the Basic Data, Address, and Bank Data columns.
      • Positions

      • Business Partners (Employee role)

      • Users

      • Organizational Unit(s)

      • You can specify specific organizational units for the selection.
        • Business Partner (Organizational Unit role)

        • Note:
          The selection objects Position, Business Partner (Employeerole), User, and Business Partner (Organizational Unitrole) are only available if an implementation of BAdIHRALX_HRALXSYNC_BADI exists.
          • Branch as of Organizational Unit

          • This option enables you to select all objects in the structure for oneor more organizational units. You can also restrict selection accordingto one of the following object types:
            Central Persons Only
            Employees Only
            Positions Only
            Business Partners Only (Employee role)
            Users Only
            Organizational Units Only
            Business Partners Only (Organizational Unit role)
            Include All Object Types
            • Changes Since

            • All organizational units and central persons for whichchanges have been made since the last time all objects weresynchronized are read. When all objects have been synchronizedsuccessfully, a new change date is set.
              If a selection has been made but the relevant input field remains blank,all objects of a particular object type are read from the database. Thiscondition can lead to a long runtime, therefore, SAP recommends you alsoenter a restriction.

              The organizational units and central persons that have been found aredisplayed in a list that includes status data.
              To facilitate navigation, a hierarchical tree structure is displayed onthe left-hand side of the object list. The branches are sorted accordingto the type of action that is to be executed.
              If an implementation of BAdIHRALX_HRALXSYNC_BADI exists, checksfrom this BAdI are executed in the External Checks branch.
              If you double-click on the folder icon in the navigation tree, allobjects are displayed in the list.
              Meaning of status display for data in the Basic Data, Address
              , and Bank Data columns:
              Icon,,Message Text,,Meaning
              Green traffic light,,Business partner does not need to be synchronizedwith HR object data,,All business partner data is consistent with HRobject data.
              Yellow traffic light,,Business partner does need to be synchronized withHR object data,,Business partner exists. The business partner data isnot consistent with the HR object data.
              Red traffic light,,Object data is new and must first be created for thebusiness partner,,The business partner does not yet exist or the thebusiness partner data is incomplete.
              No traffic light,,Object type does not include this type of data,,Checktype is not relevant for this object.

              To integrate business partners or to repair selected objects, you mustselect the relevant lines in the object list and choose Execute.Any errors that occur are displayed after synchronization.

              For more information about integration between Organizational Managementand SAP Business Partner, see the SAP Help Portal under -> Documentation -> mySAP ERP-> mySAP ERP 2005 -> -> SAP Library -> SAPERP Central Component -> Human Resources -> PersonnelManagement -> Organizational Management (BC-BMT-OM) ->Integration with SAP Business Partner.

1129899HRALX: Private phone number set as workplace phone number
1319570HRALXSYNC: Active employee shows BP role "expired"
1692928HRALX: E-Mail wird am Geschäftspartner nicht gelöscht
1691224HRALX: Error message R11 349 when creating BP for org.unit
1608312HRALX: Archiving flag not set for delimited Org.unit
1501832HRALXSYNC: Error message R1 480 displayed in log
1643952HRALXSYNC: No BP update for inactive employees
1631901HRALX: delimitation/deletion of "Employee" and central block
1644797HRALXSYNC: Error 'Country key is not defined' (AM214)
1629607HRALX: Error in bank data prevents creation of BP
1626436HRALXSYNC: Error message R1 228 issued in the log
1555418HRALXSYNC: BP-BP relationship is deleted arbitrarily
1513005HRALX: Message "Enter at least one number for the BP"
1511763HRALXSYNC: Incorrect name change of business partner
550055EBP/CRM: New integration for business partner
1090238HRALXSYNC: Role employee not added if time dependency set
1562108HRALXSYNC: Org. unit listed with yellow sign for address
1558180HRALXSYNC: Performance in none ERP scenario
1483677HRALX: Wrong error handling before data comparing
1518046HRALXSYNC: No processing in background for org.units only
1041836HRALXSYNC: Wrong communication data saved to bus. partner
1473360HRALXSYNC: Does not regenerate the relat. B207 to BP
1066612HRALSYNC: same error message several times displayed
1475782HRALX: Role BUP003 generated with ENDDA delimited
1477112HRALX: E-mail data disappears for business partner
1466539HRALXSYNC did not synchronize employees on an ERP system
1121712BP_BAPI Perform ADDRESS_DATA_SAVE_ES aborts - Wrong entries
1414048HRALXSYNC: Incorrect error messages in SRM add-on scenario
1395112HRALXSYNC: Incorrect error messages in SRM add-on scenario
1372739SRM@EREP, HRALXSYNC: Runtime error, job is terminated
1338590HRALXSYNC: Select option for BP (org. unit) does not work
1321305HRALXSYNC: Error messages with truncated id of user or BP
1287770SRM@ERP: Communication data not created at BP-BP relat.
1234996HRALX: BP-BP relationship created which does not exist
1079314SRM 6.0 SP03: Notes to be applied on Netweaver 2004s SP12
877612HRALX: Business partner comparison - Multiple Locking
1174064HRALXSYNC: No repair if BP-integration is partly active
1168104HRALXSYNC: No repair if BP-integration is partly active
1163141HRALXSYNC: Wrong communication data saved to BP relationship
1149758HRALXSYNC: Wrong communication data saved to BP relationship
1134186HRALXSYNC: No repair if BP-integration is partly active
1067798HRALX: BUT050 valid in the future, despite actual data
1113071Dump in HRALXSYNC by multiple selections using F4-help
1089992HRALXSYNC: Dump with TIME_OUT in repair mode
1092850HRALX: Communication data not updated (BP-BP address)
1052449HRALX: Employee is linked with BP without role "Employee"
1064889HRALX: Address column always shows a yellow sign
1085432HRALXSYNC: Synchronization of local employee
1066963HRALXSYNC: RH_READ_INFTY returned error 1, hrbas00dlg 002
1079963HRALX: Change of "Form of Addr" no replicated to BP
1064680HRALX: performance: rejection of local employees
1043729HRALX: Delimitation of 0105/0005 and 0105/0010 not in BP
1037129SRM 5.0: Error message BBP_UM_UI(034) in report HRALXSYNC
1004844HRALXSYNC creates BP relationship without AL flag
1027404HRALXSYNC: Inconsistent gender will not be recognized
1031252HRALXSYNC: Org. and Central Person in same number ranges
996429HRALXSYNC: The "basis data" for employee is always "yellow"
972938SRM 5.0: Incorrect error messages in tx BBP_BP_OM_INTEGRATE
1002114HRALX: 5.0: CP-B207-BP relationship is delimited
918510Time dependency of the business partner as of SRM_SERVER 550
981042HRALXSYNC: Red sign for address, CP is consistent
977559RHCHECKRELATIONS does not find relationship with none-ex. BP
920185SRM 5.0: No CP<->BP consistence check in BBP_BP_OM_INTEGRATE
975633HRALXSYNC: Missing commit work
969974HRALX: Person without address but BP: red light for address
964485HRALX: personal telephone number (Infotype 0006 subtype 1)
960109HRALXSYNC: BP-BP relation not updated (BUT050)
936782HR_SYNC_PERSON: Updating an e-mail address
936733HRALXSYNC: BP role BUP003 already exists for partner
918485HRALX: Time dependency
833981HRALX: HRALXSYNC does not synchronize future leaving
916820HRALXSYNC: F4 for multiple org. selection returns 0
863363HRALX: Creation of BP, without link to CP
852770HRALX: Old relations P/CP deleted
845002HRALX: HRALXSYNC performance
789860HRALXSYNC: Exclude manually created organizational units
809743HRALX: Building address not to BP address distributed
548202Setup of CRM org. structure
736100HR-ALX: HRALXSYNC - no warnings in the error list
777269HRALXSYNC: Standard address not recognized
760749HRALXSYNC: Addresses are not adjusted
729441HRALXSYNC: Termination with organizational units
616183Corrections for the new HR integration