Programme SAP HPHRSSS0 - PY-PH: Social Security Report

Philippines Social Security Report (HPHRSSS0)

This program displays and prints the statutory Social Security System(SSS) report, which details the monthly and quarterly contributions ofthe employer and the employees towards SSS.


  • Master data records must exist.

  • Payroll results must exist for the employee.
  • Selection
    You can restrict the employees selected by entering an individual orrange of:

    • Personnel number

    • Personnel Area

    • Personnel subarea

    • Payroll area

    • Cost center

    • Enter the user parameters:
      • SSS Grouping

      • Calendar month and year

      • Quarter and Calendar year
      • Output

        • Contribution Reports

        • Contain the details of the employee(s) and employer's monthlycontributions in the available formats:
          Details include employees contribution towards SSS in this month
          Details include the employee(s) monthly contribution for that quarterincluding Employer's Name and address, Employee's Name, SSS No.,contributions for all months in the quarter and remarks regarding theemployees 'Terminated' or 'Earnings' status.

          Choose Human Resources -> Payroll -> Asia/Pacific -> Philippines ->Subsequent activities -> Per payroll period -> Lists/Statistics -> SSSReports -> Monthly/Quarterly contributions
          Enter the SSS grouping id.
          Select the report to print or display and enter the relevant details.
          Select Execute