Programme SAP HPHRNHIP0 - HR-PH: PhilHealth Report - RF-1

PhilHealth Remittance Report, RF-1 (HPHRNHIP0)

This program displays, prints and creates a data file for the employerand the employees monthly remittances to the Philippines HealthInsurance Corporation (PhilHealth) in the legally prescribed format.
All companies in Philippines are required to submit an Employer MonthlyRemittance Report RF-1. This includes a summary of the monthlyPhilHealth contribution payments.
You can also use this program to display and print the employer and theemployees monthly contribution details for internal purposes.


  • Master data records must exist

  • Payroll results must exist for the employee
  • Selection
    You can restrict the employees selected by entering an individual orrange of:

    • Personnel number

    • Personnel Area

    • Personnel subarea

    • Payroll area

    • Cost center

    • Philhealth group

    • Select the Monthly Contribution Report specifying the Calendar month
      and Calendar year.

      File download
      Specify the directory and a file-name to download the report in an ASCIIformat, which can be delivered to the PhilHealth Corportion on amagnetic media.
      You can also execute this report in the background, in which case thefile download option is not available.

      The Philhealth Remittance Form RF-1 contains details of the employee(s)and and employer's monthly contribution including Employer's Name andaddress, Employee's Name, Philhealth / SSS No., Monthly compensationbracket, Contributions for that month and Remarks regarding theemployees 'Hire-Fire' status.
      Use the following utilities after running the report:

      • Display Download Format

      • Displays the data as it will appear on the downloaded file in the ASCIIformat.
        • Error List

        • Displays a list of errors generated per employee and the correspondingthe PhilHealth group.

          Choose Human Resources -> Payroll -> Asia/Pacific ->Philippiness -> Subsequent activities -> Per Payroll period ->Lists/statistics -> PhilHealth reports -> Philhealth Remittance RF-1.

          Enter the PhilHealth Grouping of the selected employeegroup.
          Select the report to print or display and enter the details.
          Mark the Download checkbox to save the remittance data toa file on your local disk. Enter the Filename and the Directory to storethe data.
          Select Execute.