Programme SAP HPHRHDM0 - HDMF Membership Registration/Remittance Form

HDMF Membership Registration/Remittance Form. (HPHRHDM0)

This program displays, prints and creates a data file for the employerand the employees monthly remittances to the Philippines HomeDevelopment Mutual Fund (HDMF formerly called Pag-IBIG) in the legallyprescribed format.
This includes a summary of the monthly HDMF contribution payments. Youmay also use this program to display and print the employer's and theemployee's monthly contribution, that may be used for internalpurposes.
All companies are required to submit an Employer Monthly Remittancereport or a data file to the HDMF department.


  • Master data records must exist.

  • Payroll results must exist for the employee.
  • Selection
    You can restrict the employees selected by entering an individual orrange of :

    • Personnel number

    • Personnel Area

    • Personnel subarea

    • Payroll area

    • Cost center

    • Enter the user parameters :
      • HDMF grouping id

      • Calender month and year
      • Output
        The HDMF Remittance Form with details of the employee(s) and employer'smonthly contributions .
        In case , the employee is not yet assigned with a HDMF number, the dateof birth is printed in DD/MM/YYYY format.

        Execute the program, choose Human Resources -> Payroll ->Asia/Pacific -> Philippiness -> Subs.Activities -> Per Payroll PeriodLists/Statistics -> HDMF Reports -> HDMF Monthly Report.
        Enter the HDMF grouping id and the relevant details to displayor print the report.
        Select the Download option to save the monthly remittances datain a file in your local hard disk. Enter the filename and the directoryin which you want to store the file.
        Select Execute .