Programme SAP HPHREDI0 - PY-PH: SSSEdiNet


SSSEdiNet report (HPHREDI0)

Use this report to generate the file on the monthly Social SecuritySystem (SSS) payments made by your organization. This information isrequired for submission to the SSS EDI Net services.

The following information must exist for the selected employee(s):

  • Master data records

  • Payroll results
  • Features

    For an employee or a selected range of employees:

    • Select the SSS group to which the employees belong

    • Specify the month and the year for which you wish to generate the
    • report.
      • Specify a name for the SSS file and the directory in which the report
      • should save the SSS file.

        The report generates the SSS reports. It also saves the information ina Comma Separated Value file format, in the Path/Directory thatyou have specified in the selection screen.