Programme SAP HPHRALP0 - Alphalist Report

Alphalist Report

This is a yearly report which displays the year end tax details. Thisincludes the amounts to be refunded, the total contributions, theexemptions and the amounts withheld for the employees selected.
The employees selected can be categorizied as follows:

  • Active Employees with no previous Employment

  • Employees terminated in that year

  • Employees with the previous Employer/s in the current fiscal year

  • Minimum Wage Earners (MWE) employees

  • Schedule wise data is downloaded to files.


    • Payroll results should be available for the employee along with their
    • contribution details
      • The master data records must exist
      • Features
        This report is used to print the annual tax details for all employees.This is used for the purpose of the employer and employee's reference,which is submitted to the Buearu of Internal Revenue (BIR). The reportgenerates separate output forms for each category of employee accordingto their status.

        You can restrict the employees selected by entering an indiviual orrange of :

        • Personnel number

        • Personnel Area

        • Personnel Subarea

        • Payroll Area

        • Cost Centre

        • Enter the user parameters
          • Tax grouping

          • Reporting year

          • Employees selection
            • All Employees

            • Non-Terminated Employees Only

            • Terminated Employees Only

            • For file download depending on the selection criteria the file nameshave to be entered.
              Employees selection
              • All Employees

              • The file names for all the schedules have to be eneterd.
                • Non-Terminated Employees Only

                • The file names for schedule 7.3 and 7.4 have to be entered.
                  • Terminated Employees Only

                  • The file name for schedule 7.1 has to be entered.
                    • Substituted Filing

                    • Enter the Personnel number of an employee.
                      If you do not enter the personnel number of an employee in this field,system displays 'Y' in the Substituted Column in the in Alphalist report output screen.
                      If you enter the personnel number of an employee under exclusions inthis field, system displays 'N' in the Substituted Column in the inAlphalist report output screen.
                      • For Schedule 7.5 - MWE Region Number and Basic Pay

                      • Enter the location of the file that contains data in the FILE Pathfor Upload field.
                        The data that the file contains should be in the following format:
                        , ,,,
                        - The id number should be of 8 characters.
                        - Basic pay per day should be of length 5 digits, and 2 decimal places.
                        - Basic pay per month should be of length 5 digits, and 2 decimalplaces.
                        You should seperate each field with a comma (,)
                        - 48555116 is the 8 characters id number.
                        - 00000.99 is the basic pay per day with length of 5 digits anddecimal upto 2 places.
                        - 00111.99 is the basic pay per day with length of 5 digits anddecimal upto 2 places.
                        - 999 is the factor ie No. of Days/Year.
                        - abcd is the region.
                        • Clicking on the download option and entry of directory name is
                        • mandatory.

                          The details of all employees for the different categories aredisplayed. The output formats are:

                          • Employees terminated before December 31 : Schedule 7.1

                          • Employees As Of December with no Previous Employer within the Year :
                          • Schedule 7.3
                            • Employees As Of December 31 with previous Employer/S within the Year :
                            • Schedule 7.4
                              • Minimum Wage Earners : Schedule 7.5

                              • The data of all the schedules is downloaded in the file names specified
                              • Note
                                In case of employees who have been employed previously in the samefiscal year, the previous employer salary and tax details must bemaintained in the Additional Payments Infotype-(0015).