Programme SAP HPHEOYT0 - End of Year Tax Statement BIR2316 Philippines

End of Year Tax Statement BIR2316 (Employer's Certificate ofCompensation Payment/Tax Withheld) Philippines

This is an end of year tax report which displays or prints the year endtax details. This includes employee income, taxes withheld, necessarytaxation adjustments and other pertinent information the Bureau ofInternal Revenue (BIR) may require for an employee. This report isissued to an employee at the end of the tax year, or on termination.
The report prints detailed texts for the text fields 47A, 47B, 54Aand 54B, End of Year Tax Statement BIR2316, from thecorresponding 'text elements'.
If the Text Elements for these items do not exist or are blank, thecorresponding short text in the Wagetype definition is printed. In caseof multiple Wagetypes cummulating in any of these items, the short textfrom the first wagetype is picked up for printing.

BIR Form 2316, the Certificate of Income Tax Withheld onCompensation falls under the area 'End of year processing'.


  • Master data records must exist

  • Payroll results must exist for the employee
  • Features
    Use this report for fulfilling legal requirement of the Bureau ofInternal Revenue (BIR) at the end of each tax year.

    You can restrict the employees selected by entering an individual orrange of:

    • Personnel number

    • Payroll area

    • Select the user parameters such as the Period, Tax Grouping, Tax yearand so on as relevant.
      Enter the date in From field and To field in BIR2316selection section.
      If you do not enter the dates in From field and To fieldin BIR2316 selection section, the report dynamically displays thedate in both the fields based on one of the following scenarios:
      • If the hire date of the employee is in the year specified in Tax
      • year field, and is an active employee, the report will display firstday of the tax year in From field and last day of the tax year inTo field.
        Assume that the employee is active and was hired on 01/07/2009 andTaxable year is 2009. In this case the From and To fieldswill have the following values:
        From field: 01 07
        To field: 31 12
        • If the hire date of the employee was before the year specified in the
        • Tax year field and he or she resigns on any day within the tax year,the report will display the first day of the tax year in Fromfield and day on which employee resigns in To field.
          Assume that you hire an employee on 1/07/2008 and, he or she resigns on31/03/2009.Taxable year is 2009.In this case the From and Tofields will have the following values:
          From field: 01 01
          To field: 31 03
          • If the hire date of the employee was on any day within the tax year and
          • also resigns on any day within the tax year, report will display thehiring date of the employee in From field and day on whichemployee resigns in To field.
            Assume that you hire an employee on 01/05/2009 and he or she resigns on30/09/2009.Taxable year is 2009. In this case the From and Tofields will have the following values:
            From field: 01 05
            To field: 30 09
            Marking the Test Run checkbox will execute the report as a testrun. During a test run the Philippines Tax Infotype (0411)will not be updated. The output will be displayed as a 'Print Preview'.
            Not marking this checkbox will execute the report as a live run. In aLive run the Philippines Tax Infotype (0411) will beupdated with the information pertaining to the date of issue. The reportoutput will be sent to the printer based on your default printersettings. You can choose to print on plain paper or on a pre-printedform, from the coresponding selection.
            Marking the Substitute Filing checkbox will print information insection for substituted filing.

            The Form BIR 2316 with details of the employee(s) tax is printed.Details include employees income, taxes withheld, necessary taxationadjustments and other pertinent information as per the BIRsrequirements.
            The available output formats are:

            • Preprinted

            • Plain paper
            • Activities
              To execute the program, choose Human Resources -> Payroll ->Asia/Pacific -> Philippiness -> Subsequent activities -> Annual ->Lists/statistics -> BIR 2316 income certificate.
              If you wish to customize the text for describing the items 47A, 47B,54A and 54B, you must maintain the 'Text elements' 47A, 47B, 54Aand 54B. If you do not maintain the 'Text element' or leave it blank,the program will print the first available Wage type description as thedescriptive text.

              To edit the Text elements using ABAP editor, select Goto ->Text elements -> Text symbols