Programme SAP HNZUUPD0 - Update Superannuation with Default Rates

This report reads the default rates from Superannuation Funds NZ(V_T7NZSF) view and updates records of the Superannuation NZ(0310) infotype with the default rates of employer and employeecontribution towards superannuation fund.

The system updates the employee or employer contribution only if youmaintain a corresponding default rate.
The system does not update the employee or employer contribution in thefollowing instances:

  • When a corresponding Superannuation NZ (0310) infotype record
  • does not exist.
    • When you process the record of a terminated employee

    • When the record does not require updation (for example, if the rates
    • used are not default rates.)




      Specify the following selection criterias:

      • Period - Specify the payroll period for which you want to execute
      • the report.
        • Selection - Select an employee or a range of employees.

        • Superannuation Fund Details - Enter the relevant superannuation
        • fund for which you want the report to update records in Super.Fundfield.
          • Additional - Select the Test checkbox if you want the
          • system to execute the report in test mode.


            This report displays the list of records which the system updates withthe default rates of employer and employee contribution towardssuperannuation fund.


            See also
            SAP Note: 1314058