Programme SAP HNZQESL0 - Quarterly Labour Survey (Annual Leave) - NZ

HR NZ: Quarterly labour cost survey - Annual leave entitlement NZ

This report is one of three reports providing you with the statisticsrequired by the New Zealand Statistics Organization on a quarterlybasis.
This report outputs statistics on the number of employees who haveavailed particular quota types as of the survey date.

The Quarterly Employment Survey (Annual leave entitlement) report readsdata from the Base entitlement for leave table (T559E) and theAutomatic absence quota generation table (T559L).

You must have processed at least one payroll run.


You can enter the Survey date to determine the payroll periodsfor which the statistics will be evaluated. The system evaluates thedata on the basis of the last pay date before the survey date.
You can restrict the selection by entering an individual or a range ofQuota types .

Summarised list
For all payroll areas and payroll periods selected, the QuarterlyEmployment Survey (Annual leave entitlement) report lists the following:

  • Annual Leave Entitlement including

  • Quota type
    Description of the quota type
    • Condition of entitlement including

    • Base entitlement constant along with the unit
      Seniority begin and seniority end along with the unit.
      • Number of employees

      • Number of employees who are valid for a particular combination of thequota type, base entitlement and seniority beginning and seniority endas of the survey date.
        Detailed list
        If you wish to list the personnel numbers of individual employees whohave taken a particular annual leave type, you can transit through theGoto -> Detail list option in the menu bar of the summary listoutput screen.
        The detailed list displays the personnel numbers according to:
        • Quota type

        • Base entitlement

        • Seniority begin

        • Seniority end

        • Error list
          The detailed list also displays the reason for the rejection of theemployee from the count as of that survey date. The reason will bedisplayed as:
          Error message - If there are no valid Infotype records (0000,0001,0007
          ,0008) as of the survey date.
          Warning message - If the employee is not eligible for the selected quotatype.

          From SAP Easy Access menu, choose Human Resources -> Payroll-> Asia/Pacific -> New Zealand -> Susequent activities -> Per payrollperiod -> Lists/statistics -> Payroll reports -> Quarterly employmentsurvey -> Quarterly employment survey - Annual leave.
          The Quarterly labour cost survey - Annual leave entitlement NZscreen appears.
          Enter the selection criteria.
          Choose Program -> Execute.