Programme SAP HNZLREM0 - Employer deductions: Remittance certificate (IR345/IR346) - NZ

Tax Remittance Certificate - New Zealand (HNZLREM0)

This report displays and prints the Tax Remittance report for yourorganization. This is a legal report and you must run this report everymonth for submission to the Inland Revenue Department (IRD). This reportcan display and print the following forms:

  • IR345

  • You must print this report if the employer does not pay EmployerSuperannuation Contribution Tax (ESCT).
    • IR346

    • You must print this report if the employer is required to pay ESCT.


      • You must have the payroll results of the month for which you are running
      • the Remittance report.
        • It is recommended that you run the EMS report of the month for which you
        • are running the Remittance report.



          • This report displays the total taxation and deduction details of the
          • selected employees for the period under consideration. This report doesnot display individual employee details.
            • The output displays the ESCT results if you are printing the IR345 form.

            • If the employee is terminated in an organization and joins another
            • organization in the middle of a month, the details for the employee arementioned in the Remittance reports of both the organizations for theperiods that the employee has worked in the respective organizations.
              • If an employee is transfered, that is, an organizational reassignment
              • occurs, the details for the employee are mentioned in the Remittancereports of both the Personnel Areas, for the periods that the employeehas worked in the respective organizations.
                • This report displays the Employer Tax Credit claimed for KiwiSaver and
                • Complying fund during the PAYE period.
                  Effective July 1, 2007, this report displays the Kiwisaver details forthe selected employees on the output screen.

                  RESET N1
                  Enter the relevant selection criteria.
                  Enter the period for which you want to run this report.
                  Select the IR form that you want to print.
                  Enter the Personnel Area that is used to create the header details onthe form.
                  Execute the report.

                  RESET N1
                  An employee joins your organization on February 1, 2002, which is thefirst day of the pay period for the employee. The Remittance report foryour organization would record the details of the employee from February1 to February 28.
                  An employee transfers from your organization to Company X, which has adifferent Inland Revenue Department Number, on February 15, 2002. TheRemittance report for your organization would record the details of theemployee from February 1 to February 14. The Remittance report forCompany X would record the details of the employee from February 15 toFebruary 28.