Programme SAP HNZLPRR0 - IR68P - PAYE/ACC Reconciliation Report NZ

The program HNZLPRR0 is used to create the IR68P report, adetailed report and an error report if need be (explained below).
The IR68P - PAYE/ACC Reconciliation Report is used to aid organisationsin completing the IR68P form issued by the Inland Revenue Department(New Zealand). The IR68P is to be completed at the end of thefinancial year.
This program creates two reports. The first report is the IR68P - PAYEReconciliation Report or the summary reconciliation report as used inthe program. This report has the totals for each area that is requiredto enable an organisation to fill in the details on the IR68P. Thesecond report is a detailed report that lists each employee and theirassociated earnings and deductions for the financial year. The secondreport is otherwise known as the detailed reconciliation report in theprogram. The use of the second report is to validate the totals thathave been displayed in the IR68P.
The results for each employee are retrieved from the Cumulative ResultsTable (CRT). If an employee has been terminated during the financialyear, their last pay date and pay period are used to find their latestdetails and these values will be used for each report. If an employeehas not been terminated, the program will look for the last payroll paydate and period of the financial year. The last pay date and periodwill be determined by the payroll period frequency eg monthly, weeklyetcetera.
The IR68P - PAYE/ACC Reconciliation contains the following details:
a) Employer IRD number
b) Gross earnings
c) PAYE deductions from IR12s
d) Total ACC earner premium from IR12s
e) Total tax deductions from IR12s
f) Total tax-free allowances paid
If an error has occurred when processing an employee an error report iscreated and the employee's details are stored in an internal table. Theerror report is produced at the completion of the detailedreconciliation report.

The employee should have payroll results in the Cumulative ResultsTable (CRT) for the financial year as specified by the user in theselection screen.