Programme SAP HNZLLVL0 - Leave Liability Report


Leave Liability Report (HNZLLVL0)

This report generates leave liability information. The system generatesthis information based on the date that you specify in the in the KeyDate field on the selection criteria. Any date that you specify is thekey date specified.
The system generates this report based on the following scenarios:

  • Employee terminates his or her services on the last day of the pay
  • period
    • Employee takes all outstanding leave entitlements from the last day of
    • the pay period
      This information can be broken down according to user-defined criteriassuch as cost-center and employee name.
      Depending on whether or not you select Liability at Taken Ratecheckbox of the Leave Payment Calculation Table:NZ (V_T7NZLL)view, the system calculates leave liability as follows:
      • If you select the checkbox, the system calculates leave liability as if
      • the employee is absent on the specified key date. Such an employee canhave:
        Positive entitlements: The system calculates liability on entitlementsand accruals based on the units multiplied by the payment rate. Forannual leave, this rate is the higher of the average rate or ordinaryrate.
        Negative entitlements: The system adds the negative entitlement units tothe accrual units. It then calculates the total liability by multiplyingthe units by the payment rate. For annual leave this is the higher ofthe average rate or ordinary rate. This value may be negative if the sumof the negative entitlement units and accrual units is negative.
        • If you do not select the checkbox, the system calculates liability as if
        • the employment terminates on the key date. Such an employee can have:
          Positive annual leave entitlements: The system calculates entitlementliability based on the units multiplied by the payment rate. For annualleave, this rate is the higher of average rate or ordinary rate. Thesystem calculates accrual liability assuming that the employeeterminates his or her services on the last day of the pay period. Thesystem calculates liability for annual leave accrual based on thefollowing formula:
          (Gross earnings since last anniversary + Entitlement liability) *Termination Percentage)
          Negative annual leave entitlements: The system calculates accrualliability by multiplying gross earnings with termination percentage.The system calculates the value of negative entitlement from the actualvalue of the leave payments as specified in the LVPAY table.
          If you the report for a key date other than the pay period end date, thesystem calculates accrual liability based on the following formula:
          Accrual units * payment rate
          For annual leave this is the higher of average rate or ordinary rate.This is applicable for both positive and negative entitlements.
          In order for this report to reconcile with the payroll calculation andGeneral Ledger, posting you must run this report before exiting thepayroll. For calculating liabilities in this report, the system uses thesame values as it does while calculating the same in payroll. However,this report takes the leave balance as at the time the report was run.
          This means that it will also consider absence records that you enteredafter the last pay run.


          You must have maintained payroll results.


          Specify the following selection criterias:

          • Key Date

          • Today - Select this checkbox if you want the report to generateleave liability details for the current day.
            Other Keydate - Specify the keydate other than the current datefor which you want the report to generate leave liability details.
            • Selection - Select an employee or a range of employees

            • Other Selection -

            • Quota Type - Specify an absence quota type for which you wantthe report to generate leave liability details.
              ,, &NOTE&
              ,,The report will generate leave liability details for all absence quotatypes, if you do not specify an absence quota ,,type.
              Rate per hour ($/hr) Wage Type - Specify the wage type whichholds the ordinary hourly rate wage type. By default, this isValuation basis 1 (/001) wagetype.
              Rate per day ($/dy) Wage Type - Specify the wage type that holdsthe ordinary daily rate. By default, this is Valuation basis 3(/003) wagetype.
              Apply Cost to Home Cost Center - Select this checkbox if you wantto allocate the leave liability of an employee to the home cost center.
              Use Current Rate only - Select this checkbox if you want thereport to use the ordinary rate only for calculating leave liability andnot the higher of average rate or ordinary rate.
              Exclude accruals - Select this checkbox if you want the system toexclude accruals and calculate leave liability only on entitlements.
              • Display Options

              • Display Variant - Specify the display variant which determinesthe layout of your report.
                View type - Specify the view type based on which you want thereport to display leave liability details.
                By default, this value is one. In this case, the report generatesdetails based on the cost center.
                If you specify the value two, the report the report generates detailsbased on employee details.
                View Expansion Level - Specify the level to which you want todisplay the leave liability, by selecting from the following fouroptions:
                0 - No expansion
                1 - Cost Center/ Employee level (If your view is Cost Center wise, theEmployee level will be applicable and vice versa)
                2 - Quota type level
                3 - Accrual/Entitlement type level
                4 - Date level


                The system displays the leave liability details on the LeaveLiability Report (HNZLLVL0) output screen based on your selectioncriteria.

                From SAP Easy Access menu, choose Human Resources -->Payroll --> Asia/Pacific --> New Zealand -->Subsequent activities --> Per payroll period -->Lists/statistics --> Payroll reports --> LeaveLiability Report.
                The Leave Liability Report (HNZLLVL0) screen appears.
                Enter the relevant selection criterias.
                Choose Program --> Execute.
                System displays the leave liability details on the Leave LiabilityReport output screen.