Programme SAP HNZDLN10 - Advance Pay Cluster(N1) Display and Deletion Program for New Zealand

The N1 cluster stores the advance payment records. This report enablesyou to display and delete, for the selected employees, the advance payrecords stored in the N1 cluster of the system.
The use of this report for deletions of cluster records may lead toinconsistencies in data records.
For further details, see Caution below.

The advance pay results for the selected employees must exist. You canexecute the Advance Pay Report (HNZCADV0) to get the advance payresults.

The system displays the following information for the selectedemployees:

  • Cluster ID

  • Employee number

  • Start and end dates of the period for which the advance is paid

  • Actual date when advance was paid

  • Date when the payroll was run

  • Payroll program name and the name of the user who ran the report
  • Activities
    From SAP Easy Access menu, choose Human Resources ->Payroll -> Asia/Pacific -> New Zealand ->Subsequent activities -> Per payroll period -> Otheractivities -> Display and Delete Advance Pay Results.
    The Advance Pay Cluster (N1) Display and Deletion Program for NewZealand Report screen appears.
    Enter the employee number or a range of employee numbers.
    If you want to delete the advance pay records, select the Deleteindicator.
    If you want to delete the advance pay records, you must enter yoursystem username.
    Select Program -> Execute.
    The output screen will display the data for the selected employees.
    If you have selected the Delete indicator, the output screendisplays a Delete option on the toolbar.
    Select the record you want to delete.
    Select the Delete option.

    RESET N1
    The report can delete the records for advance pay results that havealready been paid by a payroll run.
    The report can delete N1 (New Zealand Advance Pay) cluster results inany order.
    While using this report to delete cluster records for an employee, donot use the employee in any other transaction.
    The system does not display Extents (N1 cluster record extensions), butsome are likely to be deleted.