Programme SAP HNZCSUP0 - Superannuation Calculations NZ

This programs 'SUPER' form is called from the payroll - PCALCNZ0 - todo the calculations necessary for the superannuation. It willcalculate employee and company contribution.
The 'SFACTOR' form is called after the 'SUPER' form to calculate anyPartial-Period infotypes. This form uses factoring to achieve itsresults
This program is called once per employee
Super module first Retrieves the employee age then after loopingthrough NZSUP it uses the age to check against the retirement age forthe fund and accordingly decides to continue or not.
The next step is to check if there is a self-contribution coming fromthe employee into this fund. If there is a percentage contribution oran amount contribution to the fund, then it is processed and written tothe IT table as an amount against a wage type. The wage type comesfrom table T7NZSF and the amount is calculated.
The same process will be used to calculate any company contributionsand an amount against a wage type will be written to the IT table.
The next step after the 'SUPER' form finishes its processing is to callthe 'SFACTOR' form, this form loop thru NZSUP checking forPartial-Period records if one is found it will adjust the contributionamounts and re-write them to the IT table.

In the payroll, a function called FUP0310 creates a table called NZSUPwhich is used by this program.
This table must be filled from the infotype 0310 prior to this programbeing called (see structure PC254 for the layout of the NZSUP table).

Table NZSUP will be updated with all the fields filled.