Programme SAP HNZCIRC0 - Inland Revenue Certificates and Electronic File NZ

The program HNZCIRC0 has two main purposes. The first is the creationof a New Zealand Inland Revenue certificate, and the second purpose isto create an electronic file containing the details of processedemployees. The figures used for the Inland Revenue certificate and theelectronic file are the updated payroll results in the CRT table forthe financial year. The financial year is entered by the user at theselection screen.
There are two types of the Inland Revenue certificates that the usercan choose from. The first type of Inland Revenue certificate is theIR12DP. The IR12DP is the certificate type the user should choose, ifthey are using an impact or dot printer to print the certificates. TheIR12DP certificate is designed specifically for impact printing. Thesecond type of certificate available is the IR12LP. This certificateis used when printing the certificates with a laser printer. TheIR12LP is also specifically designed for laser printing.
The form layouts for both these printing options are read throughfeature '43IRC'. The user may also choose the printer to which theInland Revenue certificates and the allowance listings are printed. Anallowance list is generated when the number of allowances an employeereceives in a financial year will not fit on the group certificate. Inthese circumstances, the allowances will be grouped as allowancespaid tax free on the Inland Revenue certificate and a separateallowance listing will be produced for the employee. The defaultprinters are also read through a feature '43IRC' and are displayed inparameter fields allowing the user to change them.
There are two types of electronic files that the user can choose from.The first type of electronic file is the PC file. This file savesprocessed employees using the DOS format. If the user chooses the PCfile option, they are presented with a dialog box prompting the user towhere they would like to save the file and under what name. The secondtype of electronic file is the UNIX file. This file saves processedemployees using the UNIX format. To name the file and the location itis to be saved to, the user must specify these details at the selectionscreen in the File Details section. The processed details of eachemployee will be saved to the location and name specified at theselection screen.
A Batch Input Session is to be processed at the end of the InlandRevenue certificate processing. The file 'IRCERTS' is to be processedby batch input, to update infotype 0313.

For the processed employee details to be saved to an electronic file,regardless of whether the PC or UNIX file option is selected, the"Test(T) or production(P) run" text box must contain a P (for aproduction run). If the P is not entered in this text box, anelectronic file will NOT be created.
If the employee Infotype 0313 issued field is identical to thefinancial year entered on the selection screen, an Inland Revenuecertificate will not be processed again, unless the user ticks/crossesthe checkbox "Print certificate regardless of being issued".
The electronic file will be processed when all employees have hadInland Revenue certificates issued and the batch input session has beenprocessed to update the employee issued field with the financial year.Only employees that have their certificates run for this financialyear will be saved to the electronic file.