Programme SAP HNZCDTA0 - Preliminary Program - Data Medium Exchange for Several Payment Runs

New Zealand version
Report HNZCDTA0 is used for creating a dataset from the bank transfersof a payroll run which is used as input for the payment print and tapegeneration program RFFONZ_T. The PCL2 data, in particular table BT forbank transfers, is the original data material for HNZCDTA0.
The program can also be used by customers who have two or more paymentruns per payroll accounting period for different deadlines.
By marking the parameter 'Set flag for transfers', the bank transfertime (date and time, set at the start of the payment run) is written tobank transfer table BT of the PCL2 database for every bank transfercarried out. As a result, the following bank transfer runs know whichentries of BT have already been transferred. Payment runs can also beseparated this way by the specification of a wage type; for example,
The wage bank transfer can be carried out in advance before the otherbank transfers.
The payment methods from T042Z are permitted.
In the report, the following steps are carried out for each banktransfer:
1) reading the currency key from T001.
2) possible conversion of a payee key using T521B.
3) reading the text keys for the DME C record.
The information is contained in T520S.
There, the argument of the respective wage type is searched for thetext key. Wage types '/558' and '/559' are used for bank transfers ofnet pay The modifier from T001P is taken into account during access.Forthe text keys for capital formation, specify 'J' as the lastcharacter. The program replaces this letter with the 2nd figure of theyear in which the transfer occurs; ie. PN/PABRJ+3(1).
Example: Text key 5400J is contained in T520S.
This becomes 54003 for transfers for 1993,
and 54004 for transfers for 1994.
4) determining the sender specifications Bank and Account via featureDTAKT (transaction PE03).
Please specify a decision tree for the field DTAKT and then defineDtakt=nnnnn/mmmmm,
where nnnnn is the bank ID in table T012 and
mmmmm is the account ID in table T012K.
Dependency on the company code and the first three characters of thebank number:
Variable key DOperations
**** &DTAKT=DB /GIRO ,
0001 DBANKL(3)
0001 *** &DTAKT=DB /GIRO ,
0001 600 &DTAKT=COM /TG ,
5) using the field Purpose
If the field VERWZ (purpose) is specified, (for example, for externalbank transfers or capital formation), this field is copied into the DMEfield Purpose. If the field VERWZ is not specified (for example, forbank details) and the type of investment for capital formation is notfilled, the text:
'wage/salary', personnel number, payroll accounting period
is used as a purpose for the DME record. For pensioners, the text:
'pension', personnel number, payroll accounting period
is printed. The field "Purpose" is printed in the account statement. Ifyou are not satisfied with the above text, please customize it in themain program HNZCDTA0.
6) reading the file BNKA
The bank number is determined from the file BNKA.
In the mode TEST 'X', the bank transfers that are read, and the SETHrecords created from them, are displayed for all selected persons. Inthe mode TEST ' ', all incorrect bank transfers are listed with thereason why they are incorrect. If a bank transfer is incorrect for aperson, no bank transfers are carried out for this person.
The records created are transferred to program RFFONZ_T, which finallycreates the data carrier. The parameters
Program run date and
ID feature
must be filled from the bank transfer time of HNZCDTA0. The banktransfer date must be entered under the program run date, and the timeunder the ID feature, where the last character of the ID feature mustbeset to 'P'.
C A U T I O N : R E S T A R T
A run of HNZCDTA0 for which the parameter 'Set flag for transfers' isnot set can be repeated without hesitation. Otherwise the followingshould bconsidered: If HNZCDTA0 must be repeated, the parameters'Repeat run: date' and 'Repeat run: time' must be filled so thatrecords already flagged as transferred are selected again. The date andthe time stored in the bank transfers must be specified in theparameters. If a specific run of HNZCDTA0 is repeated, the parameter'Flagged records only' must also be marked. If HNZCDTA0 must berepeated due to a termination, the parameter 'Flagged records only'must not be set. Otherwise, in addition to the records whose banktransfer time matches the time from the parameters, the records areselected for bank transfer for which no bank transfer time has yet beenstored.
Report HNZCDTA0 can also be used to process international banktransfersAn international bank transfer can only be effected if aforeign bank anpayment key L have been specified in infotype 0009 "BankDetails". If a currency other than the local currency is specified, thetransfer amountis converted during payroll accounting so that thetransfer is effected in the appropriate foreign currency.
As a rule, a different house bank account must be specified in featureDTAKT for international bank transfers.

Wage type
Here, you have the option of limiting a payment run to specific wagetypes. You can carry out several payment runs this way for each payrollaccounting period.
= ON : No data transfer to RFFOXXXU
No update of PCL2
Bank transfers to be effected are brought forward
= OFF: Data transfer to RFFOXXXU
Update of PCL2
Convert "umlauts" ?
= X : Conversion of "umlauts" and lower case letters
Otherwise : No conversion of "umlauts" and lower case letters
Set flag for transfers
By marking this parameter, the bank transfers are saved in file PCL2 sothat the bank transfer date (run date of HNZCDTA0) is written for thebank transfers. If payroll accounting (HNZCALC0) is repeated, therecordmarked with a date are not overwritten. Instead, the payrollaccounting program carries out a difference calculation.
Repeat run: Date
An entry should only be made here for a repeat run. When entering adatethe records whose bank transfer time matches the date and the timefrom the parameters are also selected for the payment run in additionto the records which have not yet been transferred.
Flagged records only
An entry should only be made here for a repeat run. If the repetitiondate is specified and this parameter is set, only the records whosebanktransfer time matches the specified repetition date are selected.

649002BKREF field created in New Zealand screen 2043 Infotype 0009