Programme SAP HNZCADV0 - Advance payment NZ


To create advance payments, the advance payment program:

  • Simulates a payroll run to retrieve the payroll results for the period
  • in which the leave occurs
    • Creates an advance payment cluster that contains the payroll results for
    • the period in which the leave occurs and is paid in the period specifiedby the user
      • Locks the absence so that the amount cannot be paid to the employee
      • again
        • Produces an advance payment report with details of the advance payment

        • The system retrieves the payroll results for the specified period fromthe advance pay cluster. This includes the wage types configured to bepaid in advance. The employee receives the future earnings anddeductions in the period specified.
          When the payroll period that has been paid in advance is reached, thesystem again retrieves the payroll results from the advance pay cluster.The wage types configured to be paid in advance are included, but thistime with the reverse details. These reverse wage types result in a zeronet payment to the employee.
          If any adjustments occur to the employee's details while the employee ison leave, for example, a pay increase, the employee receives thedifference between the original pay and the new pay in the period inwhich the change occurred. Any difference in taxable gross is taxed atthe employee's marginal rate as if the employee receives the full payfor this period.


          • You have maintained the Absences (2001) Infotype in the HR master data.
          • In addition, you must define the start and end dates, the dates when theadvance payment is to be paid
            • Run the advance payment program
            • Features

              When you create an advance payment, a report detailing the payments thatare to be made to the employee is produced at the same time. The reportlists all the payments to the employee period by period.
              The last page of the report shows the net amount to be paid to theemployee and the period in which it is to be paid. The standard systemalso lets you print the report.

              Run the advance payments program in simulation mode by un selecting theAdvance payment field on the selection screen.The advance paymentprogram does not allow the advance payment of leave if the employee istransferred during the payroll periods that are paid in advance.
              If you see the error message 'Advance already in progress for period99/99/9999 to 99/99/9999'. You cannot create the new advance paymentuntil the payroll driver has processed and exited any previously createdadvance payment clusters.