Programme SAP HMXUUAHPBS - Report for Uploading Historical Action Data

Government employers must notify an authority, such as ISSSTE, allevents occurred in their institution concerning changes in monthly basicquotation wage(BQW) of employees who are obligated to contribute to theauthority. These events, or actions, to be considered are categorizedinto three types: hiring, termination and change in pay event. Thenotification to be sent to the authority is in the form of threeseparate magnetic files, one file for each type of event. The programHMXUACTPBS finds events and generates the magnetic files containinginformation about them.
However, before the institution can use the program HMXUACTPBS,historical data on previously reported actions must be uploaded intorelevant databases. It is the purpose of this program to automaticallydetermine hiring, termination and change in pay actions that hadoccurred in the past and upload them into the databases.
The program HMXUUAHPBS is based on the program HMXUACTPBS; they sharethe same selection screen, action selection logic and output interface.The only difference between the two programs is the treatment of theabsence of required employee's information needed in the output magneticfiles. All messages, which would be reported as errors in programHMXUACTPBS, will be treated as warnings by the program HMXUUAHPBS, withthe exceptions of the absence of infotype 0369 'Social Security Data'and errors which occurred while basic quotation wage is beingcalculated.
Since the program HMXUUAHPBS shares the same output interface with theprogram HMXUACTPBS, magnetic files are one of the program's outputs.However, the user needs not send these files to the authority since, bydefinition, the authority had already been notified of these actions inthe past.
It is important that the user reads also the documentation of theprogram HMXUACTPBS before executing the program HMXUUAHPBS.

See the prerequisites of the program HMXUACTPBS. Prerequisite of theprogram HMXUUAHPBS is the same as that of the program HMXUACTPBS.
See documentation of program HMXUACTPBS section 'FIELD VALUES IN OUTPUTMAGNETIC FILES' for information on required and non-required fields.Absence of master data for requried fields generates errors in programHMXUACTPBS while it will generate only warnings in program HMXUUAHPBS.While the program HMXUUAHPBS can be run successfully without anycorrections of warnings, it is up to the user to determine theimportance of each warning and react accordingly. See also section'Activities' below.

See documentation on selection of the program HMXUACTPBS. The programHMXUUAHPBS uses the same selection screen as the program HMXUACTPBS,with one additional field 'Processing historical data' on the screen ofthe program HMXUUAHPBS. The field 'Processing historical data' is adisplay-only flag field. It reminds the user that the immediateexecution of the report will be on historical data.

See the output section of the documentation of the report HMXUACTPBS.

Execute the program HMXUUAHPBS with the time selection period up to thedate the institute plans to start using the report HMXUACTPBS . Theprogram can be first run in test mode, i.e. no database updating, untilall warning messages are resolved. Then the program can be run in realmode once to update databases that will be used later when the programHMXUACTPBS is executed.
Note that, because the program HMXUUAHPBS will give only warningmessages at most places where error messages would have been given byreport HMXUACTPBS, the user can ignore the warning messages if they aredeemed unimportant. However, special considerations should be given towarning messages regarding absence of infotype 0008. One of thelimitations of the report HMXUUAHPBS is that, if at the time of hire,employee does not have an infotype 0008 or basic quotation wage can notbe calculated, later detection of change in basic quotation wage will beincorrect. Hence, having complete infotype 0008 at the time of hire isimportant and the user should not ignore the warnings on absence ofinfotype 0008, except when the employee with the warnings has inactiveemployment status and the infotype 0008 information can no longer beacquired.